Por que Will precisou falar primeiro no filme “Good Will Hunting”?


Em uma das sessões de terapia, Will e Sean não falam um com o outro. O professor Lambeau pergunta a Sean por que ele não disse nada e Sean responde dizendo que Will é quem precisa falar primeiro. Eu não entendo porque Will precisava falar primeiro. Isso é algo relacionado à psicologia (o tratamento real) ou isso tem algum significado simbólico subjacente (literário).

por Movers 28.06.2016 / 14:25

1 resposta

Este é o script real da reunião à qual você se refere:


Lambeau and Sean walk down the hallway after the session.
       What do you mean "he didn't talk?"
       You sat there for an hour?

       No, he just sat there and counted the
       seconds until the session was over.
       It was pretty impressive, actually.

       Why would he do that?

       To show me he doesn't have to talk to
       me if he doesn't want to.

       Oh, what is this? Some kind of staring
       contest between two kids from the "old

       I won't talk first.

Esta é, na verdade, acredito, a 3ª sessão. O primeiro, Will comenta sobre a pintura e descobrimos a esposa de Sean. O segundo, Will e Sean vão ao parque e Sean basicamente chama Will em sua M.O. . Essa reunião termina com este monólogo:

       Yet you presume to know so much about 
       me because of a painting you saw. You 
       must know everything about me. You're 
       an orphan, right?

Will nods quietly.

                    SEAN (cont'd)
       Do you think I would presume to know
       the first thing about who you are
       because I read "Oliver Twist?" And I
       don't buy the argument that you don't
       want to be here, because I think you
       like all the attention you're getting.
       Personally, I don't care. There's
       nothing you can tell me that I can't
       read somewhere else. Unless we talk
       about your life. But you won't do
       that. Maybe you're afraid of what
       you might say.

Sean stands,

                    SEAN (cont'd)
       It's up to you.

And walks away.

Durante o 3º encontro, Sean simplesmente o espera. Will tem para ser o único a iniciar a conversa, Sean já colocou a bola em sua quadra.

15.03.2017 / 19:21