O que é esse logo tatuado no pé de um bandido?


Eu notei um logo tatuado no pé de um bandido de Blackgate em um desafio predador do Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC). Significa alguma organização no universo DC, ou é algo completamente diferente? Eu estava pensando na Liga dos Assassinos, mas não consigo encontrar um logotipo para isso, e esse sujeito parecia totalmente incompetente demais para se qualificar.

por Twon-ha 20.10.2013 / 17:52

1 resposta

De acordo com o comentário de Paul acima, o símbolo no pé do personagem parece ser uma versão estilizada do Símbolo do Sheikah repetidamente usado na série Zelda.

Adicionar peso a essa teoria é uma entrevista dada por Sefton Hill ( Diretor de jogo de "Batman: Arkham Asylum") no qual ele descreve suas principais influências como sendo Metroid e Zelda .

There are some influences from other games in Batman: Arkham Asylum. You said you didn't necessarily look to other Batman titles, which was probably a good idea for the most part. But can you comment on the specific influences? I see a little bit of BioShock, and a little bit of Eternal Darkness. Can you comment on any of the game influences that you have had in design?

SH: Like the rest of the design world, I'm a big fan of Zelda and Metroid games, going back for years. They were definitely big influences. I like that sort of approach to design -- giving you a number of different gadgets and abilities that you can use and combine in different ways, and the way that combines and the feeling of being in this complete other world. Those games were definitely a big influence. I played Eternal Darkness and I really liked that. Those guys did a great job with that. They had a sanity system in there that freaked a lot of people out. It was a nice idea.

08.02.2014 / 15:15