Por quanto tempo um visto argentino é válido?


Eu sou um cidadão argelino que mora na França e gostaria de visitar a Argentina. Os vôos são realmente caros em Paris, mas às vezes há boas promoções.

Pensei em fazer o meu pedido de visto com uma reserva de voo (que não será o meu voo real) e, assim que o meu visto for emitido, efetue o próximo voo para a Argentina por um preço razoável.

Minha preocupação é que eu tenha medo de que o meu visto seja válido somente durante o período de estada que mencionarei no meu requerimento (por exemplo, de 1º a 15 de janeiro), então eu seria obrigado a viajar para a Argentina durante o período mencionado no formulário preenchido!

Alguém sabe se a Argentina emite vistos de turista por 3-6 meses, como os estados de Schengen, ou se é específico para o período mencionado no formulário?

por prompt223 26.09.2017 / 14:16

1 resposta

De acordo com o Departamento de Imigração do Ministério do Interior , um visto de turista é emitido para até para um período de três meses, e pode ser prorrogado enquanto na Argentina:


ARTICLE 24 SECTION a) LAW 25,871, DECREE 616/2010

A foreigner who obtains from the National Immigration Office an admission in such character shall be considered a transient resident.

TOURIST: Any foreigner who enters the country for the purpose of rest or recreation, with a period of authorized stay of up to THREE (3) MONTHS EXTENDABLE FOR ANOTHER SIMILAR PERIOD.

EXTENSION: it can be done at the National Directorate of Migration, from 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., building 4 sector, extensions, or in the delegations and immigration offices in the interior of the country.

Requests for extension of residence, as well as the request for change of category or migratory subcategory, must be made within SIXTY (60) days prior to the expiration of the temporary residence and within TEN (10) days prior to the expiration of the term. temporary residence.

The foreigner who presents himself spontaneously and voluntarily within THIRTY (30) days of the expiration of the periods foreseen in the previous point, will suffer a surcharge of FIFTY PER CENT (50%) of the amount of the rate foreseen for the extension procedure of residence or for the change of category or subcategory of migration.


  • Valid passport or valid Identity Card, Identity Card, National Identity Document or Alien Registration Card (DEC CMC No. 37/14) (MERCOSUR and associated countries).
  • MERCOSUR renewal fee: $ 900. NON MERCOSUR $ 2700. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
  • Current temporary residence *

  • The period of permanence has expired, SUCH RESIDENCE CAN NOT BE EXTENDED in order to leave the national territory, you must request an ENTRY ENTRY.

ENTRY OF DEPARTURE: can be processed at the National Directorate of Migration, from 8 to 20 hours, building 4 sector General Directorate of Migration Movement, or in the delegations and immigration offices in the interior of the country.

IMPORTANT: (10) consecutive days from the day following the date on which such authorization was issued, during that period you must leave the country; If this period expires, you must request a new exit authorization and pay again.


  • Valid passport, valid Identity Card or current National Identity Document of your country of origin, (the latter with the countries Brazil. , Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia).
  • Enabling rate

See table of current rates
See more of Enabling Output

O Mercosul é formado por quatro países membros - Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai

04.08.2018 / 05:18