É o máximo que uma dificuldade de tarefa pode ser facilitada 4 sem aplicar Esforço?


As regras sobre resolução de tarefas estão descritas abaixo:

A character’s level of skill is either trained (reasonably skilled) or specialized (very skilled). If you are trained in a skill relating to a task, you ease the difficulty of that task by one step. If you are specialized, you ease the difficulty by two steps. A skill can never ease a task’s difficulty by more than two steps. Anything else that reduces difficulty (help from an ally, a particular piece of equipment, or some other advantage) is referred to as an asset. Assets can never ease a task’s difficulty by more than two steps. You can also ease the difficulty of a given task by applying Effort. (Effort is described in more detail in Chapter 8: Rules of the Game.) To sum up, three things can ease a task’s difficulty: skills, assets, and Effort.

Numenera Discovery. Pg. 15

Isso significa que não há meios pelos quais facilitar uma tarefa em mais de 4 se não se utilizar o Esforço?

por Lott Vanfield 02.09.2018 / 08:21

1 resposta

Por regras como escritas, isso está correto.

A Descoberta discute as três maneiras de facilitar uma tarefa na página 103:


Skills can never ease a task by more than two steps — any more than two steps from being trained and specialized don’t count.


Assets can never ease a task by more than two steps — any more than two steps from assets don’t count.

e Esforço:

Effort can never ease a task by more than six steps — any more than six steps from applying Effort doesn’t count.

Então, sim, quatro etapas são o máximo que você pode reduzir o nível de uma tarefa sem aplicar o Esforço.

02.09.2018 / 20:58