Niven não tinha nenhuma intenção de escrever uma sequência, mas essa grande falha no Ringworld levou-o a escrever The Ringworld Engineers . Nesse romance, o anel tem vários jatos de atitude que são alimentados pelo vento solar.
O enredo gira em torno dos personagens tentando localizar o centro de controle e reparo do Ringworld, a fim de substituir alguns dos jatos de atitude quebrados e roubados.
Teela Brown, now a protector stage human, realizes that it is too late to stop the drift by simply fixing the attitude jets. The only solution she envisions requires using the Meteor Defense System, a supercondutor grid that lies below the Ringworld's surface and can generate powerful magnetic fields, to induce an enormous solar flare. Such a flare would provide enough power to rectify the Ringworld's orbit, but would kill trillions of Ringworld inhabitants. Unable to live with that choice because of her protector instincts, she engenders a plan for Louis Wu and his crew to kill her and then put the plan into motion.