Eles tinham equipamentos de radiação / hazmat disponíveis em engenharia, um tanto nebulosamente chamados de fatos de engenharia . Você os vê em várias ocasiões durante os filmes TOS.
The engineering suit was a slightly modified version of the suit introduced earlier in the 2270s in order to protect engineering personnel while servicing the warp and impulse engines, as well as performing other tasks where they may be exposed to radiation. (Memory Alpha/Starfleet Uniform (late 2270s-2350s)
A razão pela qual Spock não usou um é que não havia tempo para colocá-lo. Em vez disso, ele tirou as luvas de um terno para fornecer alguma aparência de proteção para as mãos enquanto fazia os ajustes.
Spock arrives in the engine room, only to be blocked by Dr. McCoy from entering the lethally irradiated dilithium reactor room. After first feigning compliance, an apologetic Spock nerve pinches McCoy and mind melds with the doctor, simply saying "Remember..." He then dons Scott's radiation suit gloves, enters the chamber, and endures the life threatening radiation while repairing the main reactor. McCoy and Scott yell at Spock to get out immediately, but he continues to work, ignoring their pleas. (Memory Alpha/Star Trek II)