Nesta alteração à CSA-25 da EASA diz-se: página 4:
... for a new Class B cargo compartment definition as well as design criteria for a new Class F cargo compartment type. This latter class of compartment was introduced because whilst it was concluded that manual fire fighting was not feasible for larger compartments, alternatives other than just the existing Class C were identified.
E um pouco mais adiante na página 5 (ênfase minha):
... Further, a new Class F cargo compartment definition is added, which is not limited in size and which provides the means to control or extinguish a fire without requiring a crewmember to enter the compartment. This proposed Class F compartment standard accommodates the carriage of large amounts of baggage and cargo loads on Combi aeroplanes as well as in compartments of smaller sizes exceeding the new Class B definition. New aeroplanes designs can take advantage from the variable solutions under the Class F definitions to ensure an acceptable level of fire protection.
E mais concreto:
Suponho que isso signifique permitir o armazenamento de carga em áreas sem carga (que não possuem as medidas adequadas de proteção contra incêndio, como forros) se outras medidas não tradicionais forem instaladas (como as coberturas de contenção de incêndio)The AMC further provides guidance for usage of other fire protection means in the new Class F compartment such as Fire Containment Covers (FCC) or Containers rather than having a liner installed to contain a fire and to protect the critical systems and structure of the aeroplane.