O que aconteceu com os pedaços do Exterminador que não foram esmagados?


Em T1, Reece sopra a metade inferior do Exterminador de Metal nu com uma bomba de cano. Peças do tamanho de uma perna eram visíveis após a explosão. O segundo filme mostra o braço sem esmagamento e um chip de CPU Terminator do primeiro Exterminador como um grande ponto de plotagem. Concedido havia algumas peças bem pequenas por aí, mas como a metade da máquina não foi esmagada, os cientistas da Cyberdyne Systems poderiam ter juntado a metade inferior de um Terminator para Miles Dyson para experimentar no T2. O que aconteceu com essas peças? No mínimo, o que aconteceu com a perna?

por Major Stackings 05.07.2015 / 01:39

1 resposta

De acordo com a publicação oficial, o braço e o chip do Exterminador do Futuro foram coletados / roubados por dois caras que trabalhavam na fábrica. Depois de perceber o que eles tinham, eles usaram as patentes iniciais de design e informações avançadas para fundar uma pequena empresa que acabou se tornando a Cyberdyne Systems:

“Look at this, Greg!” he shouted enthusiastically, and thrust a small electronic chip the likes of which Greg had never seen before into his palm. It was maybe thirty-five millimeters in diameter and laced with imprinted circuitry.

That made absolutely no sense whatsoever, although it seemed to be very efficiently connected. For what purpose? “Where’d you get this?”

Jack indicated the assembly line in the back of the building. “I wasn’t supposed to, but I crossed the police line, because this thing was—”

Greg clamped his arm around Jack’s shoulder and pinched his arm, hard. Jack howled and tried to break free until Greg nodded toward a patrolman standing about six feet away. They walked into the parking lot away from the knot of coworkers and officials.

Jack told Greg he had found the chip on the floor in the middle of a lot of strange-looking debris. Greg kept turning it over and over in his hands, puzzled and getting more and more excited. “Did the boss see this?” Loyal Jack looked wounded. “No, Greg. I brought it right to you. Nobody knows I have it.” Greg nodded happily. “Lets keep it that way.”

“Huh?” Jack said, confused. “Don’t you want to take it down to R and D?”

“What for? So old man Kleinhaus can get the credit?

We’re on salary here, pal. Design techs for hire. They give a shit about us. Why make them rich?”

“What are we going to do?”

Greg looked into his foolish friend’s eyes. Jack was his treasure, an undiscovered artist in electronic engineering. Everyone else saw the package. Greg saw the contents.

That was his advantage. He and Jack would go into business for themselves. A small office with little furniture.

Como o Exterminador do Futuro não podia ser visto e dado que o caso teria permanecido aberto indefinidamente, a perna e outras partes foram presumivelmente removidas pela polícia e apreendidas como prova, onde permaneceram até serem destruídas no Dia do Julgamento.

Você pode ver uma versão desta conversa na cena excluída abaixo.

05.07.2015 / 01:56