Candidatar-se ao visto Schengen ao visitar o Reino Unido


É possível solicitar um visto de visitante Schengen com meu passaporte sul-africano enquanto estiver no Reino Unido? Eu sou o parceiro / casado com um portador de passaporte do Reino Unido & cidadão.

por Dee 20.02.2018 / 16:46

1 resposta

Depende de quanto tempo você está no Reino Unido.

To apply for a Schengen visa from the UK you must be a UK resident for at least three months. If this condition is not fulfilled, the Consulate of your country of preference will hardly take the application into consideration.

Non-residents such as travelers and tourists who plan on staying in the UK for 3 months or less should be discouraged from applying for a Schengen visa from within the UK. Instead, they should apply in their home country so that the application is processed, chances of getting a positive answer become greater.


20.02.2018 / 16:53