Jedi é para Padawan como Sith Lord é para?


Os Jedi têm estudos chamados Padawans. Qual é o equivalente Sith de um Padawan?

por VenomFangs 03.10.2013 / 20:23

2 respostas

Em T e C-Canon, antes da reforma da ordem Sith de Darth Bane, eles foram referidos como Acólitos Sith .

Sith Acolyte was a rank within the Sith Order prior to Darth Bane's reformation. The term was used to refer to Force-sensitive apprentices who had only just started on the dark path under the tutelage of a more experienced Sith Lord.

Após a reforma, eles são chamados de Sith Apprentices ou apenas "Aprendizes" ".

A Sith apprentice was an individual (and on occasion, a child), that began serious training under a Sith Master, usually chosen by the Master himself or herself, after the potential apprentice displayed an impressive act of loyalty or cruelty.

Não há indicação de que os Sith Apprentices sejam oficialmente chamados de qualquer coisa, exceto exatamente isso, no G-Canon. se refere a eles como tal.

One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice.

Em A Ameaça Fantasma , Sidious se refere a Maul como seu "aprendiz" duas vezes:

DARTH SIDIOUS : (Cont'd) ...Viceroy, this is my apprentice. Lord Maul. He will find your lost ship.

DARTH SIDIOUS : You have been well trained, my young apprentice, they will be no match for you. It is too late for them to stop us now. Everything is going as planned. The Republic will soon be in my command.

Ele usa o termo repetidamente, em Revenge of the Sith

DARTH SlDIOUS: His death was a necessary loss, which will ensure our victory. Soon I will have a new apprentice . . . one far younger and more powerful than Lord Tyranus.

PALPATINE: He became so powerful . . . the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. (smiles) Plagueis never saw it coming. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.

PALPATINE: You are fulfilling your destin, Anakin. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.

PALPATINE: Because the Council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot. When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along with all the Senators.

DARTH SIDIOUS: You have done well, Viceroy. When my new apprentice, Darth Vader, arrives, he will take care of you.

DARTH SlDIOUS: Good . . . good . . . You have done well, my new apprentice. Do you feel your power growing?

O RotS também inclui um número de instâncias onde os Jedi se referem a um "aprendiz" Sith, mas alguém poderia argumentar que eles não sabem nada melhor.

Finalmente, em Retorno do Jedi :

EMPEROR As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed.

03.10.2013 / 21:09

Com base em outras referências de perguntas neste site, elas simplesmente seriam chamadas de aprendizes.

Veja esta questão para mais detalhes.

03.10.2013 / 20:26