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"Membership in a caste appears to be a hereditary matter - children of parents from one caste will usually follow their parents. If the parents are of different castes, the mother's caste takes precedence - any children would belong to the mother's caste. Sometimes Minbari who have a deep feeling for one caste - which they refer to as a "Calling of the Heart" - will join a different caste. The castes are not as limited as their titles would suggest, and to some degree try to be self-sufficient. For instance, all three castes maintain armed security forces. However, the only caste permitted to maintain a full military force among the three has always been the Warrior Caste, with the exception of the Grey Council's Sharlin Class Warcruisers."
Então, para responder à sua pergunta, o general humano erroneamente assumiu que todos na casta guerreira são completamente dedicados à guerra. Como as castas são em grande parte hereditárias, é necessário que os membros de cada casta ocupem funções não associadas à sua casta. Assim, embora seja verdade que a casta guerreira compõe quase todos os seus militares, presumivelmente muitos deles são em grande parte dedicados a empregos fora do exército.