O que sabemos sobre a fala negra de Mordor?


Conhecemos o verso do anel (Ash Nazg...) e palavras únicas como 'Ghâsh' (Fogo). Sabemos mais sobre o canônico Fala Negra?

por MadTux 03.05.2013 / 15:01

1 resposta

De acordo com o próprio Tolkien:

The Black Speech was not intentionally modeled on any style, but was meant to be self consistent, very different from Elvish, yet organized and expressive, as would be expected of a device of Sauron before his complete corruption. It was evidently an agglutinative language. [...] I have tried to play fair linguistically, and it is meant to have a meaning not be a mere casual group of nasty noises

"Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in The Lord of the Rings", Parma Eldalemberon 17, p. 11-12.

Isto é de uma edição de uma revista que continha uma coleção de notas sobre os usos de seus vários idiomas inventados como eles ocorreram em O Senhor dos Anéis . De acordo com o editor :

Although Tolkien never completed the commentary as originally planned, he retained the more cursory list of words and names from which he was working; and he continued to compose further notes on the grammar and history of the Elvish words and names in the story. Many of these were placed together with "Words, Phrases and Passages," and the main commentary has been supplemented by these notes in this edition. Together these texts give the clearest picture we have of how Tolkien conceived of his linguistic inventions in the forms they were revealed to his readers.

Portanto, é muito mais do que apenas um único versículo e algumas palavras, mas muito menos do que uma linguagem completa com gramática e vocabulário totalmente formados.

03.05.2013 / 15:52