No romance que acompanha , vemos que HAL não estava mentindo, nem enganado. Ele estava, de fato, sofrendo de uma condição que seria caracterizada nos seres humanos como uma forma de autodestrutiva autodestrutiva (autodestrutiva). psicose . Seu programa era sofisticado o suficiente para fabricar uma falha imaginada que ele poderia então tentar consertar, permitindo assim que ele desconectasse o link de rádio para a Terra.
So ran the logic of the planners; but their twin gods of Security and National Interest meant nothing to Hal. He was only aware of the conflict that was slowly destroying his integrity - the conflict between truth, and concealment of truth.
He had begun to make mistakes, although, like a neurotic who could not observe his own symptoms, he would have denied it. The link with Earth, over which his performance was continually monitored, had become the voice of a conscience he could no longer fully obey. But that he would deliberately attempt to break that link was something that he would never admit, even to himself.
Você está certo de que a decisão de desconectá-lo foi o gatilho para ele se tornar mais frenético e agressivo
Yet this was still a relatively minor problem; he might have handled it - as most men handle their own neuroses - if he had not been faced with a crisis that challenged his very existence. He had been threatened with disconnection; he would be deprived of all his inputs, and thrown into an unimaginable state of unconsciousness.