Anakin é humano.
“To be angry is to be human,” Padmé assured him.
“To control your anger is to be a Jedi,” Anakin was quick to reply, and he pulled away from her and stood up, turning to face the open door and the desert beyond.
Padmé was right there beside him, draping her arms about him. “Shhh,” she said softly. She kissed him gently on the cheek. “You’re human.”
- Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: Official Novelisation
E Padmé também:
Armies … Jar Jar had spoken of armies. He seemed sure that his people would fight. Perhaps if the Humans of Naboo had cooperated more with the Gungans, the Trade Federation’s invasion would not have succeeded so quickly and easily. Perhaps even now, if they all cooperated … But that would mean starting a real war. The Trade Federation invaded us. Talking and diplomacy haven’t helped. Sometimes … sometimes you just have to fight back.
Portanto, faz todo o sentido que eles possam cruzar desde os humanos são bastante comuns no universo de Star Wars .
Francamente, o que faz muito menos sentido é por que alguém como Padmé se apaixonaria por um homem-filho chorão como Anakin, mas isso é um