É um punhal que eu conheço, mas Sting estava na questão então ...
Adaga de Beren, forjada pelo anão Telchar de Nogrod.
Originalmente pertencente ao filho de Fëanors, Curufin, Beren conseguiu este punhal quando Curufin e seu irmão Celegorm estavam tentando sequestrar Lúthien. p>
Seu nome em Sindarin se traduz como Iron-Cutter, de Ang - ferro e
ris - para cortar - O Silmarillion, Apêndice: Elementos em nomes em quenya e sindarin
"...but Beren despoiled him of his gear and weapons, and took his knife, Angrist.
That knife was made by Telchar of Nogrod, and hung sheathless by his side; iron it would cleave as if it were green wood."
The Silmarillion - Of Beren and Lúthien
Angrist foi notavelmente usado para cortar um Silmaril da coroa de Morgoth enquanto ele dormia em Angband.
Then he drew forth the knife Angrist; and from the iron claws that held it he cut a Silmaril.
The Silmarillion - Of Beren and Lúthien
Ele estalou quando Beren tentou remover um segundo, acordando Morgoth.
but such was not the doom of the Silmarils. The
knife Angrist snapped, and a shard of the blade flying
smote the cheek of Morgoth.
The Silmarillion - Of Beren and Lúthien
Angrist foi abandonado em Angband quando Beren fugiu.
A faca foi dito para ser capaz de cortar o ferro. Isso é semelhante às outras lâminas com a raiz de Ang; Anglachel e Anguriel.
Também pode ser interessante notar que Tolkien originalmente tinha Angrist para ser uma lâmina um pouco maligna e estalar as lâminas fazendo uma tentativa de dano. Eu me pergunto se Tolkien estava brincando com a ideia de que essas três lâminas eram de alguma forma semelhantes ...
Espada de Beren, mencionada pelo nome em The History of Middle-earth, vol. 3: Os Lays de Beleriand, III: "O Lay de Leithian"
Nenhuma propriedade especial foi mencionada.
A espada criada por Eol ao mesmo tempo e do mesmo meteoro que Anglachel.
Then Beleg chose Anglachel; and that was a sword of
great worth, and it was so named because it was made of
iron that fell from heaven as a blazing star; it would cleave
all earth-delved iron.
One other sword only in Middle-earth was like to it. That sword does not enter into this tale, though it was made of the same ore by the same smith;
and that smith was Eöl the Dark Elf, who took Aredhel Turgon's sister to wife. He gave Anglachel to Thingol as fee, which he begrudged, for leave to dwell in Nan Elmoth; but its mate Anguirel
The Silmarillion - Of Túrin Túrambor
Não há menção a nenhuma propriedade especial, mas pode-se presumir que possuam as mesmas propriedades de Anglachel, ou seja, dividir todo o ferro escavado na terra , afinal Eol não era do tipo que mantinha a espada inferior.
Eol também deve ter derramado seu coração escuro nesta espada como fez com Anglachel.
But as Thingol turned the hilt of Anglachel towards Beleg, Melian looked at the blade; and she said: 'There is malice in this sword. The dark heart of the smith still dwells in it. It will not love the hand it serves; neither will it abide with you long.'
'Nonetheless I will wield it while I may,' said Beleg.
The Silmarillion - Of Túrin Túrambor
Isso daria à lâmina uma consciência e sede de sangue, assim como seu irmão, os mortos malignos também seguiram essa espada.
Foi roubado por seu filho Maeglin , cuja traição levou à queda de Gondolin.
but its mate Anguirel he kept, until it was stolen from him by
Maeglin, his son.
A espada de Thingol , rei de Doriath.
Recuperado após o saque de Doriath por Elwing e passado para seus descendentes.
Ar-Phazon foi o último detentor da espada que levou com ele para Aman em SA 3319.
Nenhuma propriedade especial é mencionada.
espada de Eómer .
Nenhuma propriedade especial mencionada.
espada de Théoden e herança real de Rohan.
Nenhuma propriedade especial mencionada.
Lâmina de Morgul
Possivelmente controverso, pois pode-se argumentar se estes podem ser classificados como nomeados ou não E são tecnicamente punhais.
As lâminas de Morgul, no entanto, têm propriedades especiais.
Qualquer pessoa que tenha uma lâmina de Morgul tem um pedaço da lâmina dentro dela. Este fragmento então trabalha em direção ao coração, uma vez que atinge seu alvo, se não for curado no tempo, a vítima se torna um espectro.
'Well, four nights and three days, to be exact. The Elves brought you from this where you lost count. We have been terribly anxious, and Sam has hardly left your side, day or night, except to run messages. Elrond is a master of healing, but the weapons of our Enemy are deadly. To tell you the truth, I had very little hope; for I suspected that there was some fragment of the blade still in the closed wound. But it could not be found until last night. Then Elrond removed a splinter. It was deeply buried. and it was working inwards.'
Frodo shuddered, remembering the cruel knife with notched blade that had vanished in Strider's hands.
'Don't be alarmed!' said Gandalf. 'It is gone now. It has been melted. And it seems that Hobbits fade very reluctantly. I have known strong warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome by that splinter, which you bore for seventeen days.'
'What would they have done to me?' asked Frodo. 'What were the Riders trying to do?'
'They tried to pierce your heart with a Morgul-knife which remains in the wound. If they had succeeded, you would have become like they are, only weaker and under their command. You would have became a wraith under the dominion of the Dark Lord; and he would have tormented you for trying to keep his Ring, if any greater torment were possible than being robbed of it and seeing it on his hand.'
The Lord of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring - Many Meetings