Por que Kai não pôde simplesmente voltar?


Em Kung Fu Panda 3 , o personagem de Kai

  1. is sent to the spirit realm by Oogway

  2. is able to return to the mortal realm once he'd stolen enough chi

  3. Po is unable to use the Wuxi finger hold to destroy Kai as Kai is a spirit being. Po then wraps his arms around Kai and uses the move on himself, sending them both to the spirit realm!

Ao chegar lá, Kai grita algo como "Não, não aqui de novo!?!" como se ele estivesse preso lá. Minha pergunta é, não poderia simplesmente

return to the mortal realm again, since he still has all the chi he stole like before? Nothing's changed. He could just leave Po there, right?

por RedCaio 06.09.2016 / 01:07

1 resposta

Para aqueles que desejam evitar spoilers, não reproduzam os vídeos vinculados aqui.

Existem algumas razões para Kai não sair imediatamente. O final deste vídeo desde o início do filme define o contexto inicial.


Nós vemos duas coisas aqui.

  1. Oogway challenges Kai by saying that he "sent another" to stop Kai. Kai immediately vows to find him and take his chi as well.

  2. The move to transport from the spirit world back to the real world appears to take several seconds. Unless Kai has defeated or otherwise delayed his opponent for several seconds, he'd probably be vulnerable to an attack which, I'm reasonably assuming, would interrupt the transport.

Em seguida, temos esta cena


Here, Kai is reaffirming his promise that he will take Po's chi.

Mais tarde, temos a cena que você está perguntando.


Kai specifically says, "You brought me back!?" From his tone, I don't really get the feeling that he feels trapped, but that he's simply really annoyed. Po makes a lame attempt to placate Kai, who responds angrily that they'll finish their fight there in the spirit world. This probably puts Kai on tilt a little bit.


the real reason is that Kai wants more power and Po's chi will give him that, and it's not clear if Kai would have had an opportunity to return until after he defeated Po and taken his chi.

06.09.2016 / 07:56