De acordo com as notas de fim para o < href=""> Star Wars: O Atlas Essencial guia, a população de conhecida O espaço é de aproximadamente 100 quatrilhões de pessoas, número que parece ter atingido por meio de cerca de 50 milhões de mundos populosos, cada um com uma média de dois bilhões de habitantes, bem como alguns mega povoados. mundos como Coruscant (1 trilhão) e Geonosis (100 bilhões).
Supondo que o espaço conhecido represente 25% da galáxia, podemos razoavelmente extrapolar o número total da população galáctica para estar na região de 400 quatrilhões , dar ou receber.
Speaking of numbers, the basic numbers for the Star Wars galaxy have wandered a bit too much over the years for the Atlas's take to satisfy everybody. A galaxy 100,000 light years across containing 400 billion stars became the baseline in the years before the Atlas - see, for instance, the New Essential Guide to Alien Species. The 2nd Edition Star Wars Roleplaying Book from West End Games is the most-specific source about the extent of civilization. It says that at its peak the Republic included "over a million member worlds, and countless more colonies, protectorates and governorships. Nearly 100 quadrillion beings pledged allegiance to the Republic in nearly 50 million systems." Shatterpoint is similarly specific, stating that the Republic has 1.2 million member worlds and the Confederacy of Independent Systems 1/10 of that number - which would be 1.32 million member worlds between them. But that's during a time in which Republic authorities has broken down in much of the Outer Rim and Hutt Space has swollen to include worlds as far coreward as Gyndine. The numbers used in the Atlas chapter were arrived at by postulating that the Empire reclaimed much of the lost Republic territory and incorporating the WEG portrayal of the Empire as having dramatically stepped up exploration and colonization.
De acordo com os vários romances da UE que se seguem a partir de Empire Strikes Back, a invasão Vuuzhan Vong supostamente matou 365 trilhões sentientes. Embora essa figura pareça dramática, na verdade equivale a menos de 0,1% da população galáctica total.
Note que todas estas figuras são extrapoladas do Atlas Essencial, RPG Star Wars e Atlas anterior, nenhum dos quais agora é considerado "canon" dentro do novo regime da Disney / Lucasfilm