Salazar era um ofidioglota e seus descendentes herdaram-no.
A capacidade natural de falar Parseltongue é uma característica herdada. Salazar Slytherin era um ofidioglota, e seus descendentes tendiam a herdá-lo como seu ancestral tinha.
“You can speak Parseltongue, Harry,’ said Dumbledore calmly, ‘because Lord Voldemort – who is the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin – can speak Parseltongue.”
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 18 (Dobby’s Reward)
J.K. Rowling diz em uma entrevista que a habilidade é transmitida através da linhagem Sonserina.
Q: Since Ron is able to speak Parseltongue in the last book, does that mean that Parseltongue is a language that most witches and wizards can learn or must a person be born with some ability to speak Parseltongue?
JKR: I don't see it really as a language you can learn. So few people speak it that who would teach you? This is a weird ability passed down through the Slytherin blood line. However Ron was with Harry when he said one word in Parseltongue, which I do not know so I cannot duplicate for you, but he heard him say "Open," and he was able to reproduce the sound. So it was one word. Whether he could learn to speak to snakes properly is a separate issue. I don't think he could. But he knew enough, he was smart enough, to duplicate one necessary sound.
- J.K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall (October 20, 2007)
É comum na linhagem da Sonserina porque eles são mais propensos a herdá-la. No entanto, não é afirmado que não existem parselmistas da linhagem de Slytherin, e as famílias de sangue puro estão todas inter-relacionadas de qualquer forma, então é provável que muitos bruxos mais teriam a chance de herdar a habilidade natural de falar a língua de cobras do que a idéia de estar ligada à linha de sangue da Sonserina.