Significado das flores azuis em que sonhos podem vir


Em "Quais sonhos podem vir" , as flores azuis são onipresentes. O que eles representam?

por mattiav27 23.11.2015 / 08:48

1 resposta

De acordo com as "notas de produção" emitidas pelo site do próprio Diretor , as flores Jacaranda têm um duplo significado, representando ....

  • O pesar de Annie (com a perda de seus filhos) tornou-se substancial enquanto Chris passava por ela pinturas

    When Chris (Robin Williams) dies he finds himself in an afterlife that emulates his wife Annie’s work: She restored nineteenth century paintings, and in her spare time painted pictures which reflect elements of their life together. Now Chris finds himself walking within her living paintings.

  • Chris 'luto pela perda de sua família quando Annie o deixou (e obviamente as mortes subsequentes)

    "And I always imagined Chris, the last time he saw his children, standing there with the van going away, under these trees and the whole street covered in leaves, in these blue Jacaranda leaves. And, every time he would think of his children, from then on, through the rest of the movie, somewhere in that shot would be a color that was Jacaranda purple."

23.11.2015 / 10:30