O que explica o líder da diretoria da Ilaria no final da segunda temporada da Helix?


Atenção, grandes spoilers:

No final da segunda temporada de Helix "O Admirável Mundo Novo"

Julia gives the material from Mother to the head of Ilaria (Claire), who denies ever saying anything about NARVIK-C. In fact goes on to say nobody else on the Ilaria board would have ever said anything about NARVIK-C and/or using it to eliminate the mortal population.

Por que ela teria dito isso?

Eu posso pensar em duas razões, mas gostaria de uma explicação canônica, se disponível.

1. Ilaria used the fake threat of using NARVIK-C to trick Julia into going to the island to find Mother. For whatever reason Ilaria was afraid and/or not willing to go in force to secure Mother This might have been because because the Immortal community has prohibitions about how Immortals can interact with other Immortals (even a rogue such as Brother Michael). By sending Julia, if something went wrong and she violated such rules, Ilaria could "disavow" her to the other Immortals and claim she was working on her own.


2. Recognizing what could be accomplished by using Mother in the food supply (Ilaria "Fresh" anyone :-)) the Ilaria Board believed Ilaria needed to become more transparent to external audit/review from the mortal community. Hence, they made a deliberate effort to expunge any record of the NARVIK-C discussions from the board meetings and any records that might have existed. The comment by Claire to Julia was "code" to let her know what had happened and that she needed to go along with the cover-up.

por beichst 12.04.2015 / 02:07

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