Eu entendo que o proprietário da aeronave havia procurado por algum tempo para doar a aeronave. Eu presumo que ele tenha chegado a um momento na vida em que estava, ou sentia que não podia mais pilotar a aeronave, e assim estava tentando se livrar do que pode ter se tornado um fardo (taxas do hangar, etc.) .
Para citar generosamente a filha do construtor / destruidor que criou e enviou o vídeo do YouTube (isso é citado a partir do que ela escreveu na descrição do vídeo):
It took him two years to make this decision about his plane. He did actually try to donate it to a couple of aviation schools in the area and the schools politely refused the offer. He also tried to donate to a local museum and was also refused.
He knew when he built the plane he might face this decision one day, but he hoped some of the laws would have changed by that time.
Mr. Ron Rapp, author of the article “A Tragic Pile of Twisted Metal” and noted blogger on his website The House of Rapp., highlights many reasons my Dad made this decision among others.
A couple months before my dad made his final decision, a local fellow pilot was named in a lawsuit because he sold the plane he built to a man that later crashed and killed himself in the plane. The spouse of the buyer filed the suit and also named other companies who made parts used to build the plane.
Many have commented that he should have used a limited liability entity, such as a LLC or a corporation to sell the plane. However, because the plane was not, at the time of manufacturing, owned in a properly capitalized limited liability entity with a legitimate business purpose and was, in fact, used purely for personal reason, courts would in almost all cases “pierce the corporate veil.” Therefore, this does not offer adequate (or any) protection.
Eu não acho que posso adicionar muito a isso. Aparentemente, ele havia decidido que não estava disposto a assumir a responsabilidade de deixar alguém voar o que ele havia construído. Na ausência de uma parte interessada na aeronave por outra coisa senão o voo, ele escolheu destruí-la.