De acordo com a romanização oficial , a resposta de Han é motivada pela simples descrença
“The Empire must have an outpost there,” Solo admitted. “Although, according to the atlas, Alderaan had no moons.” He shrugged it off. “Galactic topography was never one of my best subjects. I’m only interested in worlds and moons with customers on them. But I think I can get him before he gets there; he’s almost in range.”
They drew steadily nearer. Gradually craters and mountains on the moon became visible. Yet there was something extremely odd about them. The craters were far too regular in outline, the mountains far too vertical, canyons and valleys impossibly straight and regularized. Nothing as capricious as volcanic action had formed those features.
“That’s no moon,” Kenobi breathed softly. “That’s a space station.”
“But it’s too big to be a space station,” Solo objected. “The size of it! It can’t be artificial—it can’t!”
Para o registro, Hans tem varrido a área local desde a sua chegada, então você esperaria que ele tivesse uma idéia razoável do que está em sua vizinhança. Para que um objeto ficasse fora do alcance, mas ainda visível a olho nu ele teria que ser planetário em escala.
“It followed us!” Luke shouted.
“From Tatooine? It couldn’t have,” objected a disbelieving Solo. “Not in hyperspace.”
Kenobi was studying the configuration the tracking screen displayed. “You’re quite right, Han. It’s the short-range TIE fighter.”