Como os Marinheiros de Westerosi encontram seus rolamentos de navegação?


A maioria dos habitantes de Westeros vive em mar aberto, entre os quais se destacam os Ironborn e os Reachmen.

Os Westerosi freqüentemente negociam com as Cidades Livres e até com as cidades escravistas do Oriente. Os Ironborn também atacam no extremo oriente.

Como eles se orientam para navegar corretamente em seus navios para portos estrangeiros e domésticos? Eles navegam ao longo da costa para navegar com a ajuda das marcas de terra (embora isso não funcione ao navegar entre continentes) ou naveguem usando as estrelas?

por Aegon 06.08.2018 / 11:29

1 resposta

Eles usam as estrelas

Maester Luwin sighed. "I can teach you history, healing, herblore. I can teach you the speech of ravens, and how to build a castle, and the way a sailor steers his ship by the stars. I can teach you to measure the days and mark the seasons, and at the Citadel in Oldtown they can teach you a thousand things more. But, Bran, no man can teach you magic."

A Game of Thrones, Bran VI

Davos também está muito familiarizado com as estrelas e se refere a elas como estrelas do contrabando, sugerindo que ele as usou para navegação em seus dias de contrabando. Ele também se refere a algumas das constelações pelo nome.

A half moon was sliding in and out amongst thin high clouds, and Davos could see familiar stars. There was the Galley, sailing west; there the Crone's Lantern, four bright stars that enclosed a golden haze. The clouds hid most of the Ice Dragon, all but the bright blue eye that marked due north. The sky is full of smugglers' stars. They were old friends, those stars; Davos hoped that meant good luck.

A Storm of Swords, Davos VI

E pontos de referência / linhas costeiras

Davos conta como conhece as formas das linhas costeiras, provavelmente tendo navegado em torno delas o suficiente e as usado para fins de navegação.

"There's much I don't understand," Davos admitted. "I have never pretended elsewise. I know the seas and rivers, the shapes of the coasts, where the rocks and shoals lie. I know hidden coves where a boat can land unseen. And I know that a king protects his people, or he is no king at all."

A Storm of Swords, Davos VI

Tyrion comanda o capitão que está levando Myrcella para seguir o litoral, embora não esteja claro se isso é para proteção ou navegação.

He cleared his throat. "You know your orders, Captain."

"I do, my lord. We are to follow the coast, staying always in sight of land, until we reach Crackclaw Point. From there we are to strike out across the narrow sea for Braavos. On no account are we to sail within sight of Dragonstone."

A Clash of Kings, Tyrion IX

A seguinte citação fala de um padre dizendo a Victarion para usar o litoral para navegar até encontrar alguns navios para saquear.

"The captain commands, and I obey," said Moqorro. The crew had taken to calling him the Black Flame, a name fastened on him by Steffar Stammerer, who could not say "Moqorro." By any name, the priest had powers. "The coastline here runs west to east," he told Victarion. "Where it turns north, you will come on two more hares. Swift ones, with many legs."

A Dance with Dragons , Victarion I

Os marinheiros também usam lentes Myrish / olhos distantes, que são essencialmente um telescópio. Estes teriam sido usados por várias razões, como a exploração do inimigo, mas eles também são usados para identificar a terra. Como pode ser visto quando Catelyn navega para o King's LKanding.

High overhead, the far-eyes sang out from the rigging. Captain Moreo came scrambling across the deck, giving orders, and all around them the Storm Dancer burst into frenetic activity as King's Landing slid into view atop its three high hills.

A Game of Thrones, Catelyn IV

Observe na citação acima "far-eyes" refere-se à pessoa que está usando os olhos distantes e sentada no ninho de corvos. Então, apenas estar completo aqui é uma referência a um capitão que possui um.

This time it was a Myrish cog named Dove, on her way to Yunkai by way of New Ghis with a cargo of carpets, sweet green wines, and Myrish lace. Her captain owned a Myrish eye that made far-off things look close—two glass lenses in a series of brass tubes, cunningly wrought so that each section slid into the next, until the eye was no longer than a dirk. Victarion claimed that treasure for himself.

A Dance with Dragons, Victarion I

É também evidente que os marinheiros usam as massas de terra para navegação na medida em que usam mapas e gráficos.

Thereafter, Ghiscari sailors took care to stay well away from the Demon Isle, as they named Walano on their charts; they had no inkling of the existence of Omboru, Jhala, or the lesser islands.


Koj, once home to Malthar the Mapmaker, still boasts the finest shipyards in the archipelago. Threequarters of the islanders' famed swan ships are built on Koj, and the Pearl Palace, seat of the Princes of Koj, is renowned for its collection of charts and maps.

The World of Ice and Fire, Beyond the Free Cities: The Summer Isles

06.08.2018 / 11:51