Quais são as significantes “Cenas que faltam no filme” na novelização oficial de The Force Awakens?


inspirado pelo comentário de DVK sobre esta questão .

Star Wars: The Force Awakens recebeu uma novelização oficial de Alan Dean Foster.

Que cenas significativas existem na novela que estão faltando no filme?

por ibid 06.01.2016 / 06:37

1 resposta


  • Leia enviando o enviado Korr Sella ao Senado da Nova República para pedir dinheiro e apoio.

    You need to go to the Senate right away. Tell them I insist that they take action against the First Order. The longer they bicker and delay, the stronger the Order becomes.” She leaned toward the other woman. “If they fail to take action soon, the Order will have grown so strong the Senate will be unable to do anything. It won’t matter what they think.

    Sério, todo o primeiro filme da série "Star Wars" da trilogia é um grande conto financeiro. Primeiro, eles destroem uma Estrela da Morte inteira porque Han está correndo por 17.000 créditos no Episódio IV. Então, a Galáxia inteira irrompe em uma guerra civil sobre a taxação da rota comercial no Episódio I (oh, e o futuro Sith Lord Darth Vader é solto na galáxia porque os Jedi idiotas não têm dinheiro real para pagar as partes do navio). Então, Han e Leia estão correndo atrás de dinheiro no Episódio VII - o primeiro sendo a única razão pela qual todo o plano aconteceu. Se Han não tivesse conhecido Rey, ela seria pega.

    Ah, e Leia acha que ela será assassinada pela Nova República.

    I would have a terrible ‘accident,’ or become the victim of some ‘deranged’ radical. Or I would eat something that didn’t agree with me. Or encounter someone who didn’t agree with me.

  • Uma discussão do Starkiller proposto exatamente planejado usa estratégias / táticas, uma vez que eles perdem o droid:

    The redheaded officer spoke up immediately. “I do have a proposition. The weapon. We have it. It is ready. I believe the time has come to use it.”
    “The Republic. Or what its fractious proponents choose to call the Republic. Their center of government, its entire system. In the chaos that will follow, the Resistance will have no choice but to investigate an attack of such devastating scale. They will throw all their resources into trying to discover its source. So they have no choice but to investigate fully, and in so doing…”
    “Reveal themselves.”
    Snoke was clearly pleased.
    “And if they don’t… we’ve destroyed them.”
    “Yes,” Snoke said in satisfaction. “Extreme. Audacious. I agree that the time for such measures has come. Go. Oversee the necessary preparations.”

  • Especificações técnicas do Starkiller e especialmente como ele usa o poder do sol. Não tanto como simplesmente "ausente" como "extremamente diferente". Detalhes aqui a> e melhor comparação entre a novelização e o script WGA aqui .

  • Conversa detalhada entre Snoke, Ren e Hux sobre o disparo em Ileenium. Isso é muito importante, pois fornece evidências de que a Primeira Ordem é bastante pequena e precisa de recursos, pois eles precisam se preocupar em ocupar - contra destruir - 2 ou 3 planetas.

    Though visibly angry, Snoke’s tone remained unchanged. “Have we located the main Resistance base?”
    Hux was clearly gratified to be the bearer of good news. “We were able to track their reconnaissance ship back to the Ileenium system. We are coordinating with our own reconnaissance craft in the area in order to lock down the specific location of their base.”
    Snoke replied with cold satisfaction. “We do not need it. Prepare the weapon. Destroy their system.”
    Collected and composed as he was, Hux was not immune to surprise. “The system? Supreme Leader, according to the most recent galographics, at least two and possibly three habitable worlds circle Ileenium. Following the destruction of the Hosnian worlds, would it not be worthwhile simply to destroy their base and claim the remainder for the Order? We will have the location of the base within a matter of hours and—”

  • Rey sendo deixada em um mundo da floresta - antes ela é deixada com Plutt em Jakku - em seu Force Vision. Detalhes aqui

    Once more she climbed to her feet, her chilled breath preceding her. From in front of her, not far away, came the sounds of battle: the cries of the wounded and the clashing of weapons. Then behind her, another voice. That voice.
    “Stay here. I’ll come back for you.”
    She whirled, glazed eyes desperately scanning the dark gaps between the slender trees, trying to penetrate the darkness. “Where are you?” She started running toward the voice.
    “I’ll come back, sweetheart. I promise.”

  • Toda a discussão entre Ren e Snoke sobre o porquê de Darth Vader ter falhado (que também menciona a idade de Snoke).

    Kylo Ren, I watched the Galactic Empire rise, and then fall. The gullible prattle on about the triumph of truth and justice, of individualism and free will. As if such things were solid and real instead of simple subjective judgments. The historians have it all wrong. It was neither poor strategy nor arrogance that brought down the Empire. You know too well what did.” Ren nodded once. “Sentiment.” “Yes. Such a simple thing. Such a foolish error of judgment. A momentary lapse in an otherwise exemplary life. Had Lord Vader not succumbed to emotion at the crucial moment—had the father killed the son—the Empire would have prevailed. And there would be no threat of Skywalker’s return today.

  • ... e do porquê de Kylo Ren ser um floco de neve único e especial

    It is far more than that. It is where you are from. What you are made of. The Dark Side—and the Light. The finest sculptor cannot fashion a masterpiece from poor materials. He must have something pure, something strong, something unbreakable, with which to work.

  • Diálogo muito mais amplo entre Han e Leia - mostrando seus sentimentos um pelo outro (Bem, Han é para Leia), mas também, mais importante, que Snoke direcionou Ben para recrutamento muito jovem.

    He had trouble believing what he was hearing. “So Snoke was watching our son.”
    “Always,” she told him. “From the shadows, in the beginning, even before I realized what was happening, he was manipulating everything, pulling our son toward the dark side. But nothing’s impossible, Han. Not even now, at this late time. I have this feeling that if anyone can save him — it’s you.”

Menos significativo

  • A história de como Poe pegou carona de volta à Resistência com apenas uma toalha.

  • C-3PO percebendo BB-8th longo alcance comm é acidentalmente desligado, e polling Resistência clandestino droid rede de espionagem (que é como eles aprendem a ir para Takodana)

  • Chewbacca finalmente arrancando o braço de alguém (Plutt) do soquete. Literalmente. Eu tenho esperado para vê-lo desde Paradise Snare . Detalhes aqui

  • Leia e Rey tendo uma conversa estranha que pode ser significativa (ou não) parentesco de visavi Rey:

    “I’m proud of what you’re about to do,” she told the girl. Rey replied in all seriousness. “But you’re also afraid. In sending me away, you’re—reminded.” Leia straightened. “You won’t share the fate of our son.” “I know what we’re doing is right. This is how it has to be. This is how it should be.” Leia smiled gently, reassuringly. “I know it, too. May the Force be with you.”

  • Detalhes do plano de negócios da Han

    “I got three going to King Prana. Kings not only like to collect, they like to boast about their collections. Seems Prana’s in competition with the regent of the Mol’leaj system. The regent doesn’t have a rathtar in his private zoo. Neither does anybody else.”

  • Médico dizendo a Rey que Finn sobreviverá

    When Dr. Kalonia finally emerged from the intensive care section, Rey nearly fainted at seeing the smile on her face. The physician’s words confirmed Rey’s hope. “Your friend’s going to be just fine.”

  • Alguns detalhes sobre o passado de Lor San Tekka


  • Um pouco mais de fundo sobre a situação política, através dos pensamentos internos de Leia

    They had thought that with the fall of the Empire it would all be so easy. That people would understand the need for patience, that time would be required to rebuild that which the Empire had taken away. Cities, communications, trade: All these could and were well on their way to full restoration. It was the intangibles that proved so much more difficult to re-establish throughout galactic society.

    Freedom, for example. The freedom to speak one’s mind, to object, to dispute. She sighed. Those who had led the rebellion had under-estimated the deeply buried desire of far too large a proportion of the population who simply preferred to be told what to do. Much easier it was to follow orders than to think for oneself. So everyone had argued and debated and discussed. Until it was too late.

  • Muito mais detalhes sobre os pensamentos e sentimentos internos de Finn enquanto um stormtrooper.

  • A menos que eu esteja enganado, há muito mais flerte entre Rey e Finn.

06.01.2016 / 08:33