Por que Finn estava em Jakku?


No começo de Star Wars: O Despertar da Força , nos encontramos com Finn

as a member of a raiding party of Stormtroopers that attacked and destroyed a village on Jakku, where Poe and BB-8 were obtaining a missing fragment of a map that would lead the Resistance to find Luke Skywalker.

Finn experimentou um ato de consciência devido a esse evento.

Not agreeing with what the First Order did, he left his position, first trying to escape to the Outer Rim, then later defecting to the Resistance.

No final do filme, Finn revela que

he worked in sanitation while stationed at Starkiller Base, and that the village attack was his first real field combat.

Então, minha pergunta é: como o Finn saiu dessa posição para o combate de campo em uma grande operação para recuperar informações vitais, sem aparentemente fazer nada entre elas? Parece muito conveniente para mim, apenas uma maneira de me certificar de que ele estava envolvido em dois pontos-chave da história:

the first being the event that caused BB-8 to go on the run and eventually met up with Rey and later Finn. And the other event where Finn happened to know a way into Starkiller Base and knew someone who they could force to lower the shields protecting the super weapon.

por Remy Lebeau 20.12.2015 / 05:40

2 respostas

"So, my question is - how did Finn go from that position to field combat in a major operation to retrieve vital information, without seemingly doing anything in between? It seems too convenient for me, just a way to make sure he was involved in two key points of the story:"

Isto é coberto (e parcialmente implicado) em um livro prequel "Before the Awakening".

  • Como mostrado na história, Finn, basicamente, era um cadete exemplar se você julgar sua proficiência em combate. Ele era ótimo em armas e combates corpo a corpo.

  • Estar em um detalhe de saneamento provavelmente não era um reflexo dele como soldado, mas dele ser um cay-dette inútil na época em que ele estava em Starkiller. ALGUÉM tem que cavar latrinas e estagiários verdes são o conjunto certo de músculos inúteis para isso.

    Para ser claro, estar no saneamento NÃO é abordado no livro em si (ou qualquer outro cânone, exceto aquela linha no filme).

    No entanto, podemos descobrir que isso aconteceu bem antes de seu treinamento terminar do enredo exato do livro, como destaquei nesta resposta

    (versão curta: o livro cobre os últimos estágios de seu treinamento, sua primeira tarefa de solda real no campo de mineração; e no final da missão, ele está em vôo direto para Jakku. Isso significa que seu serviço de Starkiller antecedeu o fim de seu treinamento).

  • Finn tinha as marcas de um soldado fantástico, e estava na lista de "relógio para promoção" pelo capitão Phasma , mesmo em treinamento. Mais uma vez, isso foi depois do dever de "saneamento" (ou, na pior das hipóteses, durante o mesmo).

    Ele era até seu líder de equipe de 4 homens:

    “Let me guess,” the trooper said. “FN-2187 is in charge, right?”
    “That’s right.”

  • Ele fez isso demonstrando empatia, primeiro em relação a um colega cadete, em relação aos líderes mineiros em sua primeira missão "real".

  • Como mencionado no último ponto, logo após o término do treinamento, eles foram enviados para o primeiro posto: pacificação.

    They moved from the base to a transport and from the transport to orbit, traveling with another half dozen of the trainee squads, all of them in their armor and with their rifles. The rifles were new, no longer the training version but the real thing, F-11D blaster rifles, loaded with live ammunition and fully charged for battle. Their first look at the Star Destroyer, majestic and ominous at once, was through the hull windows as it came into view—almost impossibly small at first, then growing to become almost impossibly large as their shuttle sped toward it.
    “This is for real,” Nines said, and FN-2187 thought there was awe in his voice, as if he’d never expected them to make it that far.


    FN-2187 found that he and the rest of the team had been assigned to barracks almost identical to those they’d left behind on the surface. The difference was that the ones aboard the ship were occupied by “real” stormtroopers, men who ignored them entirely as they located their bunks and stowed their gear. They’d hardly had a moment to remove their helmets and settle themselves when they heard the order coming over the ship’s PA system: all hands prepare for hyperspace.
    ... “Fresh meat,” one of the stormtroopers said. “Who’s who?”


    The deployment was to a mining colony established in an artificial asteroid field collectively known as Pressy’s Tumble. Once there’d been an ore-rich moon, but the ore itself had been buried deep, and instead of setting up operations on the surface and sinking mines, some engineer with a facility for explosives had decided the best solution was just to blow the whole thing to smithereens. Those smithereens now floated in the Outer Rim system of Pressylla, along with three inhospitable planets and a red dwarf sun that made the fragments of the lost moon glow with a hellish light.


    What FN-2187 did know was that they were there to “restore order,” according to the briefing given by Captain Phasma herself. Republic agents, she told them, had infiltrated the mining operations and were both sabotaging equipment and creating dissent among the miners. The First Order’s presence was required to put a stop to it, to get the miners back on schedule, and to prevent any further delays.

  • Ainda assim, ele era bom, então Phasma decidiu deixá-lo crescer como um stormtrooper "real", e sua chance de fazer isso era ser incluída na missão de Kylo Ren junto com seu grupo.

    Captain Phasma watched FN-2187 on the monitor in her quarters. He’d stopped firing, stopped even moving, and was just standing amid the ever-changing field of moving figures.
    She sighed. She’d had such hope for FN-2187. He had shown such remarkable promise. He had shown the capacity to be special.

    She picked up the orders on her desk and reviewed them once more. They’d already made the jump to hyperspace, and she knew it would be less than an hour before they reached their rendezvous point to take on their new passenger. Kylo Ren had already transmitted the coordinates for where they would be headed next.

    ... She switched off the monitor. He’d be part of the detail when they reached the landing point on Jakku, she decided. Perhaps when someone was shooting back at him, he would understand what it meant to be a real stormtrooper, what it meant to serve the First Order, body and soul.


03.01.2016 / 22:00

Finn é um stormtrooper. Nesse papel, seu primeiro e último dever é o combate (é por isso que ele é repreendido após os eventos iniciais em Jakku. Seu papel no saneamento é provavelmente seu "trabalho diário" - isto é, a designação na base quando não é uma linha de frente Quanto aos escudos, é mostrado que ele

did not in fact know how to lower the shields. While wishing to help, he really had the ulterior motive of rescuing Rey.

A única razão pela qual eles conseguiram abaixar os escudos é porque o trio

captured Capt. Phasma, who actually knew how to lower the shields

20.12.2015 / 06:05