Primeira menção explícita de dinheiro em Star Trek


Em Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , temos essa troca :

McCoy: It's a wonder these people ever made it out of the 20th Century.

Kirk: They're still using money. We've got to get some.

E esta troca :

Dr. Gillian Taylor: Don't tell me they don't use money in the 23rd Century.

James T. Kirk: Well, we don't.

Essas são as primeiras menções explícitas da falta de moeda na Federação / futuro? Havia algo relacionado a isso em TOS, TAS ou filmes I-III?

por miltonaut 05.09.2016 / 13:35

3 respostas

O episódio TOS "The Trouble with Tribbles" menciona explicitamente os "créditos" em tribbles. Cyrano Jones é claramente um empreendedor, então é provável que "créditos" sejam, na verdade, alguma forma de moeda. Talvez a economia da Federação TOS seja semelhante à da Alemanha Oriental ou da URSS, onde as necessidades básicas são fornecidas gratuitamente ou por custos nominais, enquanto os bens de luxo (que podem incluir tribos ou outros animais exóticos) são bastante caros.

Também é possível (mas menos provável) que os "créditos" sejam, na verdade, alguma forma de sistema de contabilidade semelhante a moedas, talvez uma medida da quantidade de material que um tripulante pode armazenar em seus quartos da tripulação da Frota Estelar. p>

As séries posteriores mencionam "créditos de transportador" na Federação do século 24 sem moeda (por exemplo, cadetes da Academia Starfleet usando-os para ir visitar seus pais), então parece que o principal limitador em termos de riqueza é o custo da mudança. pessoas e coisas ao redor, não o custo de fazer enfeites.

05.09.2016 / 19:25

Além da referência TOS de Robert Columbia, houve algumas menções de "créditos" no segundo e terceiro filmes de acordo com esta Wikipedia artigo:

In other episodes, especially earlier in the in-universe timespan, a monetary unit known as the "credit" is mentioned. At the Federation space station K-7 in the original series episode "The Trouble with Tribbles", set in 2267, Uhura is offered a Tribble for 10 credits. In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, in 2285, while on Earth, McCoy attempts to hire a ship to take him to the Genesis Planet, is warned it would be expensive, and haggles over payment; we do not know if McCoy could have afforded this or how much it would cost, since he was taken into custody for breaching the secrecy of the Genesis Project immediately afterwards. And in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Carol Marcus mentions the Federation's decision whether or not to "fund" the Genesis Project itself, though "fund" means something different in this context as credits are not mentioned. In the Deep Space Nine episode "You Are Cordially Invited...", Jake Sisko tells Quark he sold his first book, but when Quark asks him how much he earned, Jake answers, "It's just a figure of speech." This explains moments when characters have made similar comments (in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, for instance, Scotty mentioned having "bought" a boat, and during the film Star Trek Generations, Captain Kirk states that he "sold" his house).

05.09.2016 / 19:36

De "Arena" Production # 19, exibido em 19 de janeiro de 1967:

KIRK: A large deposit of diamonds on the surface. Perhaps the hardest substance known in the universe. Beautifully crystallized and pointed, but too small to be useful as a weapon. An incredible fortune in stones yet I would trade them all for a hand phaser, or a good solid club. Yet the Metrons said there would be weapons, if I could find them. Where? What kind?

"Mudd's Women" produção # 4, exibido em 13 de outubro de 1966:

COMPUTER: Offense record. Smuggling. Sentence suspended. Transport of stolen goods. Purchase of space vessel with counterfeit currency. Sentences, psychiatric treatment, effectiveness disputed.


MUDD: Oh, you beautiful galaxy! Oh, that heavenly universe! Well, girls, lithium miners. Don't you understand? Lonely, isolated, overworked, rich lithium miners! Girls, do you still want husbands, hmm? Evie, you won't be satisfied with a mere ship's captain. I'll get you a man who can buy you a whole planet. Maggie, you're going to be a countess. Ruth, I'll make you a duchess. And I, I'll be running this starship. Captain James Kirk, the next orders you're taking will be given by Harcourt Fenton Mudd!

Em "The Menagerie, Part 1", produção # 16, foi ao ar em 17 de novembro de 1966:

PIKE: To the point of considering resigning. BOYCE: And do what? PIKE: Well, for one thing, go home. Nice little town with fifty miles of park land around it. Remember I told you I had two horses, and we used to take some food and ride out all day. BOYCE: Ah, that sounds exciting. Ride out with a picnic lunch every day. PIKE: I said that's one place I might go. I might go into business on Regulus or on the Orion colony. BOYCE: You, an Orion trader, dealing in green animal women, slaves?

É claro que essa cena não foi filmada para "The Menagerie, Part 1". Foi uma cena de "The Cage", o primeiro filme piloto, reutilizado em "The Menagerie, Part 1". Então, embora tenha sido visto um pouco mais tarde do que o de "O presságio de Mudd", foi filmado na mais antiga produção de Star Trek .

27.12.2016 / 08:27