Tentando identificar um conto muito antigo sobre alienígenas que colonizam corpos humanos

Não se lembre do começo exato da história, mas foi algo como "caminhar ao longo de um caminho" ou algo assim, e quando ele ouve o que parece ser uma explosão de espingarda atrás dele, ele então sente algo atingindo-o na bunda . Ele desmaia, e quando ele acorda, ele descobre que a "explosão de espingarda" era na verdade uma nave espacial em miniatura que explodiu e atirou em alienígenas em miniatura em seu corpo. Os aliens provam ser muito benéficos porque limpam todas as toxinas e outros venenos em seu corpo. Eles podem ser transmitidos através de beijos ou atividade sexual.

Qualquer ajuda com o nome da história seria muito apreciada.


por Dan Payment 25.09.2014 / 19:15

2 respostas

"Dentro de John Barth" por William W. Stuart , publicado pela primeira vez no junho de 1960 Galaxy . Você pode ler o Projeto Gutenberg etext .

Não se lembre do começo exato da história, mas foi algo como "caminhar ao longo de um caminho" ou algo assim, e quando ele ouve o que parece ser uma explosão de espingarda atrás dele, ele sente alguma coisa na bunda.

We were lounging by the campfire after supper and a few good snorts. Uncle John was entertaining himself with a review of some of his nearer, more thrilling misses. I, to tell the truth, was sort of dozing off.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a bright flash of blue-green light and a loud sort of zoop-zing sound. And a sharp, stinging sensation in my thighs.

I hollered. I jumped to my feet. I looked down, and my pants were peppered with about a dozen little holes, like buckshot. I didn't have to drop my pants to know my legs were, too. I could feel it. And blood started to ooze.

I figured, of course, that Uncle John had finally shot me, and I at once looked on the bright side. I would be a cinch for a fast promotion to vice-president. But Uncle John swore he hadn't been near a gun. So we guessed some other hunter must have done it, seen what he had done, and then prudently ducked. At least no one stepped forward.

Ele desmaia, e quando ele acorda, ele descobre que a "explosão de espingarda" era na verdade uma espaçonave em miniatura que explodiu e atirou em miniaturas alienígenas em seu corpo.

Ele não desmaia. Ele começa a perceber os efeitos benéficos logo após o incidente, mas é meses depois quando ele percebe que foi invadido, depois de ouvir uma conversa no bar sobre OVNIs:

All at once, standing there on the sidewalk outside Perry's Bar, I knew that it was true. Space invaders. The Earth was invaded—the Earth, hell! I was invaded. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew all right. I should have. I was in possession of all the information.

Os alienígenas provam ser muito benéficos porque limpam todas as toxinas e outros venenos em seu corpo.

A comunicação é estabelecida:

"Invaders! Squatters!

"Citizens of Barthland."

"Invaded! Good Lord, of all the people in the world, why me? Nothing like this ever happened to anyone. Why did I have to be picked to be a territory—the first man to have queer things living in me?"

"Oh, please, gracious Fatherland! Permit us to correct you. In the days of our fathers, conditions were, we can assure you, chaotic. Many horrible things lived here. Wild beasts and plant growths of the most vicious types were everywhere."

"There were—"

"What you would call microbes. Bacteria. Fungi. Viruses. Terrible devouring wild creatures everywhere. You were a howling wilderness. Of course, we have cleaned these things up now. Today you are civilized—a fine, healthy individual of your species—and our revered Fatherland. Surely you have noted the vast improvement in your condition?"

Eles podem ser transmitidos através de beijos ou atividade sexual.

Sim. Após o encontro com Helga:

Back in my apartment—my big, new, plush apartment—I sat down to go over the thing with the Department of the Interior. The enthusiastic response I got surprised me. "Magnificent," was the word. "Superb. Great!"

Well, I thought myself that I had turned in a pretty outstanding performance, but I hadn't expected such applause. "It is a first step, a splendid beginning! A fully equipped, well-armed expedition will have the place settled, under cultivation and reasonably civilized within a day or two, your time. It will be simple for them. So much more than in your case—since we now know precisely what to expect."

I was truly shocked. I felt guilty. "No!" I said. "Oh no! What a thing to do. You can't!"

"Now, now. Gently," they said. "What, after all, oh Fatherland, might be the perfectly natural consequences of your own act?"

"What? You mean under other—that is—"

"Exactly. You could very well have implanted a new life in her, which is all that we have done. Why should our doing so disturb you?"

25.09.2014 / 20:11
Uma história parecida é Parasites Lost, de Futurama, onde Fry come um sanduíche de ovo de posto de gasolina, é infectado com minhocas de fita inteligentes, transformando-o em um super-humano.

Em vez de sentir uma explosão de espingarda, ele observa: "Meu cano de chumbo dói um pouco".

07.10.2015 / 19:29