Poderia Peeves ter sido expulso de Hogwarts?


Pedra Filosofal:

About twenty ghosts had just streamed through the back wall. Pearly-white and slightly transparent, they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years. They seemed to be arguing. What looked like a fat little monk was saying: "Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance --" "My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost...

O que os fantasmas teriam feito com Pirraça se eles decidissem reprimir? A citação implica que eles tinham alguma maneira de puni-lo - presumivelmente a expulsão - particularmente quando (presumivelmente o Bloody Barron) que diz

haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves?

Poderia os fantasmas terem expulsado Pirraça de Hogwarts, e se sim, como eles têm esse poder?

por TheAsh 30.10.2017 / 14:20

2 respostas

Quase certamente não.

JK Rowling descreveu Pirraça como uma espécie de característica permanente dentro de Hogwarts que não pode ser removida.

ES: Why does Dumbledore allow Peeves to stay in the castle.
JKR: Can't get him out.
ES: He's Dumbledore, he can do anything!
JKR: No, no no no no. Peeves is like dry rot. You can try and eradicate it. It comes with the building. You’re stuck. If you've got Peeves you're stuck.
ES: But Peeves answers to Dumbledore -
JKR: Allegedly.
MA: Allegedly?
JKR: Yeah. I see Peeves as like a severe plumbing problem in a very old building, and Dumbledore is slightly better with the spanner than most people, so he can maybe make it function better for a few weeks. Then it’s going to start leaking again.
(Leaky Cauldron interview).

O Peeves é por sua própria natureza difícil de ejetar.

...it was likewise to be expected that such a poltergeist would be noisier, more destructive and harder to expel than those that occasionally frequent Muggle houses.
(Pottermore, "Peeves").

Afinal, a última tentativa de se livrar dele não foi bem.

Several concerted efforts to remove Peeves from the castle have resulted in failure. The last and most disastrous was made in 1876 by caretaker Rancorous Carpe, who devised an elaborate trap, baited with an assortment of weapons he believed would be irresistible to Peeves, and a vast enchanted bell jar, reinforced by various Containment Charms, which he intended to drop over the poltergeist once he was in place. Not only did Peeves break easily through the giant bell jar, showering an entire corridor with broken glass, he also escaped the trap armed with several cutlasses, crossbows, a blunderbuss and a miniature cannon. The castle was evacuated while Peeves amused himself by firing randomly out of the windows and threatening all and sundry with death.

A three-day standoff was ended when the Headmistress of the day, Eupraxia Mole, agreed to sign a contract allowing Peeves additional privileges, such as a once-weekly swim in the boys' toilets on the ground floor, first refusal on stale bread from the kitchen for throwing purposes, and a new hat – to be custom-made by Madame Bonhabille of Paris. Rancorous Carpe took early retirement for health reasons, and no subsequent attempt has ever been made to rid the castle of its most ill-disciplined inhabitant.
(Pottermore, "Peeves").

A maioria das tentativas parece ter sido feita por humanos, então não há confirmação sobre se os fantasmas teriam conseguido cumprir suas ameaças. Pirraça só realmente respondeu a Dumbledore e ao Barão Sangrento, e mesmo assim com moderação.

Não foi feita nenhuma tentativa de expulsar o Pirraça dos fantasmas, então não sabemos se teria funcionado. Talvez o Pirraça tivesse ido embora se o Barão fosse agressivo. Talvez ele não quisesse. Mas parece que eles não poderiam forçá-lo a sair se ele não quisesse.

30.10.2017 / 14:56

Filch, Umbridge e Fudge aparentemente pensaram que Pirraça poderia ser expulso, como encontramos no final de Ordem da Fênix :

But when Educational Decree Twenty-nine comes in, Potter, I’ll be allowed to do them things... And she’s asked the Minister to sign an order for the expulsion of Peeves... Oh, things are going to be very different around here with her in charge..."

Filch também expressou a possibilidade de expulsar Pirraça em Cálice de Fogo , quando ele encontrou o ovo de Harry:

"Hiding, are you?" he said softly. "I'm coming to get you, Peeves.... You've gone and stolen a Triwizard clue, Peeves.... Dumbledore'll have you out of here for this, you filthy, pilfering poltergeist...."

"The thing is, Professor," said Filch plaintively, "the headmaster will have to listen to me this time. Peeves has been stealing from a student, it might be my chance to get him thrown out of the castle once and for all —"

Fleur Delacour também assumiu que um poltergeist poderia ser expulso, a julgar por sua declaração a Roger Davies no Baile de Inverno em Cálice de Fogo :

We 'ave none of zis ugly armor in ze 'alls, and eef a poltergeist ever entaired into Beauxbatons, 'e would be expelled like zat." She slapped her hand onto the table impatiently.

No entanto, o simples fato de que vários personagens acreditavam ser possível não significa necessariamente que é realmente possível.

Por outro lado, faria sentido que Pirene pudesse ser expulso. Sabemos dos comentários de Percy quando eles vão para a Torre da Grifinória pela primeira vez em Pedra Filosofal que Pirraça mais ou menos ouve o Barão Sangrento:

"You want to watch out for Peeves," said Percy, as they set off again. "The Bloody Baron's the only one who can control him, he won't even listen to us prefects. Here we are."

Se não houvesse nada que o Barão pudesse fazer a Pirraça, Peeved não teria motivos para ter medo dele.

Além disso, houve outra discussão entre os fantasmas sobre Pirraça antes da festa de abertura em Cálice de Fogo :

"Peeves, of course," said Nearly Headless Nick, shaking his head, which wobbled dangerously. He pulled his ruff a little higher up on his neck. "The usual argument, you know. He wanted to attend the feast — well, it's quite out of the question, you know what he's like, utterly uncivilized, can't see a plate of food without throwing it. We held a ghost's council — the Fat Friar was all for giving him the chance — but most wisely, in my opinion, the Bloody Baron put his foot down."

Isso implica que há algum método que é capaz de manter Peeves fora do Salão Principal, pois caso contrário, Pirra poderia ter acabado de entrar apesar dos protestos dos fantasmas. Se há uma maneira de mantê-lo fora do Grande Salão, então também deve haver uma maneira de mantê-lo fora de Hogwarts por completo. Se não houvesse como impedir Peeves de entrar no Grande Salão, então haveria poucas razões para ele não entrar com medo do Barão Sangrento, porque então parece que não haveria nada que o Barão pudesse realmente fazer com ele. / p>

Além disso, sabemos que as magias funcionam em Pirraça. Durante a primeira Defesa Contra as Artes das Trevas em Prisioneiro de Azkaban Lupin usa um feitiço em Pirraça quando ele se recusa a obedecê-lo:

He raised the wand to shoulder height, said, "Waddiwasi!" and pointed it at Peeves. With the force of a bullet, the wad of chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves's left nostril; he whirled upright and zoomed away, cursing.

Se o Pirraça é suscetível a essa magia, é lógico que existe alguma magia que seria capaz de removê-lo do castelo. Certamente vemos Peeves interagindo fisicamente com as coisas ao longo dos livros, por isso deve ser possível movê-lo fisicamente.

20.12.2018 / 09:28