Jim já explicou o que Murphy escreve em seus relatórios?


Dresden várias vezes diz, que Murphy tem que "explicar o inexplicável" para seu superior, que não acredita no mundo do sobrenatural ... mas não me lembro de que em qualquer lugar se explica como ela realmente faz isso.

Vamos pegar o caso de "Fool Moon":

where Loup-garou escapes from the jail cell, slaughters few fellow prisoners, then mauls and kills armed police officers and the only thing that stop hims is Dresden tossing him through multiple walls and binding with thaumaturgy.

Como diabos você pode escrever isso? Dizendo algo como

"Suspeita de dobrar barras de aço entre a cela de seu vizinho e espancou o prisioneiro. Então ele matou o policial, quebrou dois pares de portas de aço, atacou e matou vários policiais que não conseguiram atingi-lo de distância de menos." de 3 até a explosão de gás sorte enviou-o através das paredes para o prédio nas proximidades. A maioria das testemunhas diz que o suspeito estava parecendo lobo 2 metros, mas isso é apenas o estresse ... "

Soa como "Gás do pântano refletindo a luz de Vênus" de "Homem de preto" ...

por Yasskier 31.01.2016 / 21:02

1 resposta

Trecho de Cavaleiro de verão :

Lieutenant Karrin Murphy was the head of Chicago PD’s Special Investigations team. SI was the city’s answer to weirdness in general. They got all of the unusual crimes, the ones that didn’t fall neatly into the department’s other categories. SI has handled everything from sightings of sewer alligators to grave robbing in one of the city’s many cemeteries. What fun. They also got to take care of the genuine supernatural stuff, the things that no one talks about in official reports but that manage to happen anyway. Trolls, vampires, demon-summoning sorcerers—you name it. The city had appointed SI to make sure the paperwork stayed nice and neat, with no mention of preposterous fantasies that could not possibly exist. It was a thankless job, and the directors of SI typically blew it after about a month by refusing to believe that they were dealing with genuine weirdness. Then they got shuffled out of Chicago PD.

Máscaras da Morte :

“Sorry to wake you, Harry,” said Karrin Murphy, the head of Chicago PD’s Special Investigations division. SI routinely handled any crime that fell between the cracks of the other departments, as well as being handed the really smelly cases no one else wanted. As a result, they wound up looking into all kinds of things that weren’t easily explained. Their job was to make sure that things were taken care of, and that everything typed up neatly into the final report.

EDIT - Alterações :

“SI handles all the same stuff the Black Cats did. It’s just been made real clear to us that our reports had better not sound like a drug trip. So the reports provide an explanation. They don’t provide much accuracy.”

Definitivamente, houve pelo menos mais uma menção sobre "explicações", como trolls coletando pedágios como bandidos assaltando transeuntes ... Ou algo assim ... Algo parecido com isto ( White Night ):

Murphy might not have been officially in charge of Special Investigations, but I don’t think that made much difference to many of the other detectives there. She needed help, and when she called, they came. End of story. For them, at least. For Murphy, it was the beginning of the story. She had to tell a lot of stories around police headquarters. It was a part of her job. Oh, no, those reports of vampire attacks were the results of hysterical drug-induced hallucinations. Troll? It was a large and ugly man, probably drunk or on drugs. He got away, investigation ongoing. Everyone buys it, because that’s what SI gets paid to do—explain away the bogeyman. Murphy should be a novelist, she writes so much fiction.

Mas não é possível identificar no momento

01.02.2016 / 14:08