Este é um episódio de uma série de TV, não um filme. O programa que você está procurando é Arquivo X , especificamente o (s) último (s) episódio (s) de temporada 8, embora seja uma continuação de histórias em andamento daquela temporada (e temporadas anteriores).
Não consigo encontrar nenhum clipe no youtube (a partir de uma pesquisa rápida) ou um resumo de um episódio útil no IMDB, por isso, infelizmente, você terá que confiar em mim.
The earliest part I remember is a man running away from another man, in a building (office?) corridor, toward an elevator. In the elevator was a bald man in a suit who was activating the elevator. While the man running toward the elevator was shouting to wait, the bald man simply smiled, not even trying to save the pursued guy (he wasn't trying to hold the door nor anything). But the other guy managed to get in.
Once inside, the guy who was running was feeling safe. Until an arm suddenly pierced through the middle of the elevator door (a bit like the scene where the T-1000 pierces through the elevator door in Terminator 2, except that it looked like a genuine human arm), hitting the bald man on the head. He was badly hurt and was now sitting on the floor. The running man was just shocked of what just happened. As the elevator went down, we saw the arm of the pursuer slowly moving upward, until it reaches the ceiling of the elevator, before removing it.
Esta é a sede do FBI, ao invés de um prédio de escritórios genérico, mas isso acontece quase exatamente como descrito. O homem careca de terno (e óculos, embora você não tenha mencionado) é Walter Skinner , interpretado por Mitch Pileggi. O outro homem está sendo perseguido pelo que a sinopse do episódio descreve como um "Super Soldado".
"Enquanto Alex Krycek assiste, o super-soldado Billy Miles rasga a porta de um elevador no edifício J. Edgar Hoover FBI, usando apenas a mão dele." X-Files wikia page on Super-soldado
Later, another scene happened on the roof of a building. Two men were probably fighting that uncommon man. At some point, one of them managed to drop him off the roof. When they looked down, he was laying inside a trash truck, but his face was emotionless. He was just staring back at them, as the truck proceeded to crush him "dead".
After the roof fight and truck crushing event, two doctors were talking about the poor guy who got crushed in the trash truck. They had some pile of meat on the table (probably all that's left of him). But when they checked, they saw a strange unidentifiable piece of metal in there. As they mentioned that they'll contact the binmen to identify what it could be, they left the room with the piece of metal on the table. The metal bit started vibrating, rotating, multiplying. Everytime it vibrated, it doubled in amount. It's as if it was creating more "beings".
Isso também acontece praticamente como descrito. O "Super Soldier" é esmagado em um caminhão de lixo depois de ser empurrado / jogado do telhado do prédio, mas é capaz de se regenerar ou se reparar mais tarde, quando os "restos" estão sendo examinados.
The last scene I remember included three women in a somewhat secluded wooden house, using candles as light. One of them was pregnant, the other was a "friend" (or an acquaintance). The third woman was a blonde(?) police officer, probably in her thirties, who joined them mid-way. I supposed that they were hiding away from... whatever it was earlier that got crushed in the trash truck.
Though everything was alright at first, for some reason, the friend of the pregnant lady decided to douse the officer with hot (or boiling) water. Although she screamed a bit, there was only small bubbles of blood on her face. Then it was time for the pregnant lady to give birth.
A mulher grávida é outra protagonista da série, Dana Scully. Eles se esconderam, como você adivinhou corretamente, do "Super Soldado" que estava na sede do FBI (e vários outros como ele). O policial acaba por ser também um "Super Soldado", razão pela qual a outra mulher joga água fervente sobre ela, com relativamente pouco dano real sendo causado.