Algum Autobots mudou de lado para os Decepticons?


Existem exemplos de Decepticons como "Jetfire" e "Wheelie" que mudaram de lado para os Autobots. Jetfire em Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen é citado:

It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity... Who wants to live a life filled with hate?

Mas houve casos de Autobots que mudaram de lado e permaneceram como Decepticons?

por Jared 31.07.2014 / 07:17

1 resposta

Existem três Autobots que se tornaram Decepticons que eu posso pensar:

  1. Wheeljack da continuidade da Armada

    Wheeljack was once an Autobot in the same military unit as Hot Shot, looking up to his peer due to his own inexperience in battle, and they considered each other good friends. However, that friendship was broken one day when Wheeljack was trapped under rubble in the middle of an intense fire. Hot Shot could not lift the wreckage alone, and left to get some help, promising to return, but he never did. An arrogant Autobot officer forbade Hot Shot from returning, claiming the fire was too intense and they couldn't risk more lives.

    Meanwhile, Wheeljack saw a figure approaching through the flames, thinking that at last, Hot Shot had returned. But it was Megatron who saved him that day, and in return, Wheeljack became a Decepticon.

    Wheeljack, portanto, deixou seu grande símbolo cicatrizado de Autobot (ironicamente parecendo ter sido riscado) em seu robô capô / capô de carro e colocou um novo, menor, símbolo Decepticon embaixo. Isso também é mostrado claramente no brinquedo:

    Veja também a página Transformers wikia .

  2. The Fallen

    O personagem chamado The Fallen ocorreu em múltiplos universos Transformer. Ele é tipicamente descrito como um dos treze primos originais que depois se tornou o fundador dos Decepticons.

    Por exemplo, em Transformers: A Vingança dos Caídos , The Fallen < a href=""> é descrito como :

    ... the first Decepticon and the true founder and leader of the Decepticons (as Megatron accepts the Fallen as his master), and all future Decepticons would wear an insignia which is similar to the Fallen's face.

    Veja também tfwiki . 1

  3. E do Transformers: Dark of the Moon (spoilers)

    Sentinel Prime

    Once he arrived back at their base, Sentinel ... betrays the Autobots, kills Ironhide, transports the pillars to Washington D.C. and rendezvous with Megatron. After teleporting hundreds of Decepticons to Earth, he has a confrontation with Optimus, but spares him, in the hope that he would recognize the moral of what he was doing. He demands the exile of the Autobots, who are apparently destroyed while leaving the planet in their space ship. Sentinel usurps Megatron and assumes command of the Decepticons to oversee the final phase of the plan in Chicago.


    Strictly speaking, Sentinel Prime did not actually join the Decepticons (including getting the purple badge) but he did ally himself with them and even assumed command of them (see above quote).

  4. E uma menção honrosa deve ir para este personagem de Beast Wars / Beast Machines (spoilers para Beast Machines) 2

    Tankor (Vehicon) was revealed to be Rhinox (Maximal). Though he was initially reprogrammed by Megatron to be a Vehicon, Tankor somewhat embraced it for a while (after regaining his Rhinox memories). Finally, he expressed remorse for his actions thereby reverting, in his spark, to a Maximal.

1 Agradecemos e agradecemos ao Jared por esta sugestão.

2 Com agradecimentos ao phantom42 por esta sugestão.

31.07.2014 / 07:23