Este poderia ser um dos livros baseados no filme MirrorMask :
The film's story revolves around a young girl named Helena Campbell, who is sick of her family's career as circus performers. Helena's mother is hospitalized after they have an argument, and Helena finds herself trapped in a fantasy world shortly after.
Helena não viaja para a terra da fantasia através de um espelho - em vez disso,
she wakes up in a dream-like state and leaves her building to find three performers outside. As they try to perform for Helena, a shadow encroaches on the area and two of the performers are consumed by it. The third performer, Valentine (Jason Barry), a juggler, helps to quickly direct Helena to safety through the use of magical flying books.
No entanto, a máscara titular poderia ser o elemento espelho lembrado.
Além disso,
the City of Light ... is slowly being consumed by shadows
Helena discovers that by looking through the windows of the buildings, she can see into her bedroom in the real world, through the drawings of windows that she created and hung on the wall of her room. She discovers that a doppelganger of herself is living there and behaving radically different from her.