Essas duas cenas são assim:
(Hans jumps down from an inspection and ends up crouched at John's feet. With a gun pointing at his head, he pretends to be an hostage until John calms him down..)
John: What the fuck are you doing up here? What were you looking for?
Hans: I was ..trying to get up, on the roof and.. see if I could signal for help. You know.. (looks back to where he'd stashed the gun) It's just through here. Why don't you come and help.
John: Hold it. Forget the roof.
(as Hans goes to pass through the passage between industrial units to retrieve the gun. John swings the weapon around so it is again pointing at Hans)
John: I said forget the roof, they got people all over it.
Come on, you want to stay alive, stay with me.
(Hans 'has a look' before scene breaks to FBI)
(Cuts back. John takes out cigarette pack with 2 left)
John: You smoke?
Hans: (smiles) ..Yeah. Thanks.
(John has one cig. in mouth as he passes the pack and remaining cigarette to Hans. There is a directory board over Hans left shoulder, showing names and locations of employees. John has has weapon pointed in Hans' general direction. Not directly at him, but not far off either. Hans takes the last cigarette and slips the empty pack in his pocket as John pulls out a Zippo.)
Hans: You don't work for Nakatomi. And you're not one of them..
(John, now turned further away from Hans, smiles wryly)
John: I'm a cop from New York.
Hans: (Hans shows some surprise) ..from New York! (chuckles)
John: Yeah.. Got invited to the Christmas party by mistake. Who knew?
(Hans chuckles, notices John's bare feet, John starts chuckling..)
John: Ehh.. Better than being caught with your pants down, huh?
(Hans also chuckles, John glances at directory)
John: I'm John McClane. You're uh..
Hans: (Hans looks blank for a moment) Clay. (smiles) Bill.. Clay.
(John glances back at Directory and sees a Clay, W.M. from the 29th floor. Nods to himself.)
John: Know how to use a hand gun, Bill?
Hans: I spent a weekend at a combat ranch. That game with the guns that shoot red paint. Probably seems stupid to you.
(John has been doing things with the hand gun, seems to put a clip in it and cock it.)
John: Nope. (John holds out gun, to Hans.)
Time for the real thing, Bill.
(Hans looks at the gun, looks at John, then slowly, reaches out to take it.)
John: All you got to do is pull the trigger. Come on. (Walks past Hans.)
(Hans drops his cigarette, stamps it out, and speaks into his radio..)
Hans: 33. Stockwerk. Kommt sofort.
(He takes his time, aiming the gun at John as John walks slowly away, with a 'I knew it..' look on his face)
'click' (as he ..again, cocks the weapon)
(John takes out his cigarette and slowly turns back to face Hans.)
Hans: Put down the gun, and give me my detonators.
(John takes a drag on his cigarette)
John: Well, well, well.. Hans.
Hans: Put it down. Now.
John: That's pretty tricky with that accent. You oughta' be on fuckin' TV with that accent. (Slowly walks back towards Hans) But what do you want with the detonators Hans? I already used all of the explosives. ..Or did I?
Hans: I'm going to count to three.
John: Yeah. Like you did with Takagi?
(Hans pulls trigger) 'click'..
John: Oops.. ('click, click, click)
No bullets. What do you think - I'm fuckin' stupid, Hans?
('bing' as elevator arrives)
Hans: (dripping with sarcasm) You were saying?
Transcrevendo essas duas cenas enquanto as assistia novamente, acho que John não foi enganado por um momento, mas estava tentando extrair o máximo de informações possível a partir dessa chance como refém. Acho que no começo ele percebeu que era o próprio Hans, mas John sabia o tempo todo que era um dos membros da gangue. Ele provavelmente ficou surpreso que o líder seria forçado a fazer suas próprias 'tarefas triviais' longe de seu principal estrangulamento no 30º andar.
Note que na maior parte do tempo ele tem uma arma apontada na direção geral de Hans. Mas ele chega a um estágio em que percebe que precisa convencer "Bill" de que ele mesmo está convencido de sua história, então lhe dá a arma (descarregada).
Quando John deu uma olhada no diretório e encontrou o nome, provavelmente estava pensando em algo como:
OK - this guy is no dummy - better be real careful with him.
Permitir que Hans entrasse no rádio indica que ele não era bastante cuidadoso o suficiente, ele apostou demais para conseguir mais informações, e isso quase custou sua vida (pela enésima vez naquela noite).