O roteiro original de Paul Anderson apresenta uma boa descrição do processo de tomada de decisão da Red Queen. Eu editei para clareza.
RED QUEEN: I was trying to keep them isolated, but I'm afraid you've changed all that.
TWELVE : Why kill everyone in the Hive?
RED QUEEN : Because there was a leak. T—3 escaped an unplanned pattern of infection began. Once the virus was loose, I couldn’t allow anyone to leave the Hive. So I took the appropriate action.
SPENCE : You butchered them.
RED QUEEN : If one infected human had escaped from the Hive the infection would have spread to cover the United States within 13 days, Canada and South America in 27 days [and] worldwide infection in less than two months. So I took steps.
Está bem claro que os zumbis são realmente bem contidos (fechaduras eletrônicas, subterrâneos com apenas um poço de elevador e um túnel ferroviário blindado para entrar / sair) até que Alice e seus comandos invadam e desliguem a energia. contra os conselhos e advertências explícitas da Rainha Vermelha ...