Essencialmente, isso pode ter que esperar até que o filme Flash seja lançado, mas as indicações são de que "Sim" o detalhe da origem foi alterado.
Parece que o incidente é anterior a qualquer envolvimento de cumprimento da lei, uma vez que Barry Allen é jovem demais para ser empregado como CSI da Cidade Central.
Isso parece ser confirmado em outras mídias e, embora eu não consiga encontrar um comentário como "oficial" bio para Barry Allen lê (por CinemaBlend )
Barry Allen is an excessively energetic student attending Central City College, where he studies criminal justice with the hope of one day freeing his incarcerated father. More than eager to team up with crime fighting Batman, Barry's remarkably quick wit is surpassed only by his ability to move at hyper speed.
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At a recent Justice League promotional event in the Philippines, information on the DC movie's main heroes were displayed, including the above chunk of text concerning The Flash that was later posted on Reddit. Having Barry still pursuing higher education when Batman approaches him to join his gang of super friends is a drastic departure from the main DC Comics continuity, where Barry had already been a forensic scientist at the Central City Police Department for several years by the time he became The Flash.
Still, since the DC film universe opted to cast a younger actor as its Scarlet Speedster, it's not terribly shocking to find out that he's still learning the art of forensic science. Perhaps by the time of Flash's own movie or Justice League 2, he'll have a job at the CCPD, allowing him to both solve crimes in his civilian life and move closer to legally freeing Henry Allen from prison.
If Ezra Miller's Barry doesn't have a lab at the CCPD, then where did his accident occur? My guess is that the location was simply moved to a lab at the Central City College campus, and everything else played out similarly as it did in the comics.