História com nave espacial Sleipnir


Esta história envolve um membro da tripulação do sexo feminino que acaba fora do navio, morto, e é terrivelmente distorcido, possivelmente por um buraco negro. O nome do navio é o Sleipnir.

por Robert Garner 13.05.2017 / 22:22

1 resposta

Poderia ser A sombra do espaço de Philip José Farmer? Foi originalmente publicado na If Magazine em 1967, mas tem sido repetidamente antologised since.

Grettir and crew soon find out that the Sleipnir’s final recorded speed was 300,000 times the speed of light. They passed out of the universe into a grey area, devoid of stars, but filled with large spheres.

Close by is a particularly large sphere which dwarfs them. About this sphere orbits a much smaller sphere and the gargantuan body of Mrs. Wellington! The Sleipnir has also been enlarged and bloated from its normal slim lines to a large spindle shape.

Grettir is informed that the Sleipnir emerged from the smaller sphere. Soon they realize that the smaller sphere is their universe. The larger sphere and all the other spheres are separate universes.

Orion Press Book Review

13.05.2017 / 22:58