A joia da adaptação de Guerra e Paz de 2016 é genuína?


Eu tenho assistido a adaptação da BBC de 2016 da guerra e paz de Tolstói , e também ler sobre isso na internet entre os episódios. Um dos rumores que me deparei é que as jóias usadas no set eram genuínas : as atrizes usavam verdadeiras jóias e diamantes durante as filmagens.

Isso é verdade? Se sim, de onde veio essa joalheria - ela foi emprestada de uma coleção especial em algum lugar, ou alguma delas foi feita sob medida?

Respostas canônicas apenas por favor: entrevistas e fontes confiáveis.

por Rand al'Thor 07.02.2016 / 02:40

1 resposta

Há mais informações (sobre as joias vistas em Guerra e Paz) do que qualquer pessoa poderia precisar em este site

Shot on location in Russia, Lithuania and other Eastern European countries, characters are seen wearing jewelry made by Russian jeweler Petr Axenoff.

Part of the collection was made specifically for the TV series. Other items were selected by Gibbon's team from existing collections. "We were surprised by their choice because the jewelry they selected was from a later period, specifically art nouveau. When I was making those items, I was inspired by completely different things," Axenoff says.

Baseado em entrevistas com os criadores do programa no blog da BBC , parece que eles também complementaram os itens de Axenoff com jóias de colar e alguns pedaços do arquivo de props da BBC:

Jewellery is still all about impact and making a statement. For me in War and Peace it's a great way to accessorise the very simple gowns that we wanted to create - free from too much surface decoration and unnecessary ornamentation. The jewels were sourced from all around the world. From Indian markets in Southall, flea markets in Lithuania, St. Petersburg, Prague and Rome to beautiful pieces designed especially for us by a Russian jeweller.

The action of the story takes place at such an interesting time for fashion. It is where we see the birth of modern fashion as we understand it today. The aftermath of the French Revolution saw people turning their back on formal aristocratic styles. And this was coupled with Napoleon’s visionary ideas to create more revenue for French fabrics by creating the fashion seasons, changing four times a year as they do today. And fashion is cyclical, everything goes round.

"Edward K Gibbon is the costume designer for War and Peace."

07.02.2016 / 11:15