Se você estiver viajando de trem de Nova Delhi, então você pode usar as salas de capa e armários de segurança disponíveis na estação ferroviária de Nova Deli .
Most major stations have cloak rooms and lockers where you can leave your luggage, on payment of prescribed charges. This passenger amenity ensures safe custody of your luggage, giving you the freedom to spend a day or two as you desire. The process of depositing your luggage in the cloak room has been simplified for your convenience. All you have to do is to deposit the luggage duly locked, where upon a receipt will be given to you. This receipt, duly signed as an acknowledgement of having received your luggage, should be surrendered along with the prescribed charges at the time of delivery. Delivery of luggage will not be done without the surrender of your receipt. Pleaese ensure that all baggage/hold-alls/travel bags are locked securely. Otherwise, these may not be accepted by the railway personnel.
Você terá que produzir seu bilhete de trem e carteira de identidade (isso é necessário em muitas estações). Existe uma tarifa nominal por hora, que é calculada por peça de bagagem. Sua bagagem deve estar trancada.
As taxas atuais para uso Cloak rooms e armários de armazenamento:
Duration Cloak Room Storage Locker For first 24 hours or part thereof Rs 15 per package Rs 20 For each subsequent 24 hours or part thereof Rs 20 per package Rs 30