Se a NKCampbell e / ou Valorum quiserem tomar crédito por esta resposta, já que levantaram a ideia primeiro, são bem-vindos aos pontos. Como nenhuma resposta foi listada, estou colocando isso por enquanto.
Vou sugerir a fonte original como
Pontos correspondentes:
- um homem morre em um acidente de carro e sabe que ele está acabado.
Check. The story opens with Thomas Blaine driving down a New Jersey highway. He is returning to New York, where he works with a yacht-designing firm, after a week long vacation at his Chesapeake Bay cabin. Blaine suddenly loses control of his car and swerves into an on-coming vehicle.** The story reads, "…At that moment he knew he was dying. An instant later he knew that he was quickly, commonly, messily, painlessly dead."
Então ele acorda em um novo corpo
Check. Blaine wakes up in a hospital bed, as the next chapter begins.
e é explicado que seu cérebro foi recuperado
Check. He is in a room surrounded by medical personnel. They are commenting on his reactions to waking up, realizing he is still alive. Blaine also meets Marie Thorne. He views her as attractive but coldly professional. She too is interested in his responses. She tells him that his body has died but that they have saved his mind and given him a new body.
Tudo está indo bem até que a esposa de seu doador de corpo aparece.
Check. He is on the street one day, when a woman seems to be staring at him. They speak; she recognizes the body as that of her husband's Frank Kranch.