Sob a superfície, obviamente, eles estão complementando seus rendimentos através do contrabando, assalto a banco e várias atividades nefastas, mas o truque é que eles precisam parecer legítimo. Ter um acompanhante registrado a bordo lhes dá uma desculpa para viajar para lugares e planetas que fariam uma carranca na chegada de um navio cargueiro.
Inara: Yes, because I can bring something that your surveyor or any of the other fish you might have on line can't. A certain respectability.
Mal: Respectability?
Inara: And based on what little I've seen of your "operation," I suspect that's something you could use.
Mal: Fine. Let me ask you this: if you're so respectable, why are you even here? I mean, I've heard tell of fancy ladies such as yourself shipping out with big luxury liners, and the like. But a registered companion on a boat like this? What are you running from?