A novela do canon indica que Luke ouviu sons de batalha depois do transporte final (e os X-Wings carregando os pilotos restantes) deixaram o planeta.
Dado que o navio de Luke foi o último a sair e dado que os soldados não tinham capacidade de deixar o planeta e nenhum incentivo para se renderem, acho que podemos razoavelmente assumir que qualquer que foi deixado para trás lutou valentemente até a morte, sabendo que cada tiro disparado foi um golpe de martelo contra o odiado Império.
O romance júnior mais antigo menciona os soldados sendo ordenados a abandonar suas posições e fugir para o transporte restante. Certamente é possível que alguns tenham tido sucesso.Then, overhead, you see it: Han’s rickety old ship, still supposedly “the fastest in the galaxy,” shoots out of the south hangar and climbs up through the atmosphere. You smile. At least Han got out. Hopefully the princess, too. Yes. She’s in that ship. You can tell.
And then an explosion presses you into the ground. A wave of heat courses over your body. You are lying on your back, the snow rapidly melting around you, fire licking your chest. Then it subsides. You raise the blackened visor of your helmet. The snow walker is dangling from its own legs, a blackened husk. You get up and run.
On a remote part of the ice field, far away from the battle and the now-ruined rebel base, you trudge through the snow. A short distance farther sits your X-wing, a spaceship outfitted for one pilot and one droid. R2 is in his place. He’s the one who piloted it out here to the muster site, to wait for you. The last of the other pilots are taking off, leaving a strange sight: a spaceship, small and lonesome, sitting on the edge of a frozen wilderness. The sounds of battle seem very distant out here.
Back in the trenches, the situation had become dire.
“Begin retreat!” shouted the Rebel trench officer.
A second officer commanded, “Fall back! Fall back!”
The troops responded, fleeing from the battle as the snow-covered ground exploded around them. The Imperial walkers fired their lasers at the running Rebels, continuing their advance toward Echo Base.Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (junior novelization)
A novelização original confirma a retirada das tropas (de suas posições), mas não faz menção ao seu sucesso.
He tried to stand, but fell back against the snow, hoping he would not be spotted by any of the walker pilots. His comlink whistled, and somehow he found the strength to flick on its receiver.
“Forward units” withdrawal complete,” the broadcast voice reported. Withdrawal? Luke thought a moment. Then Leia and the others must have escaped! Luke suddenly felt that all the fighting and the deaths of loyal Rebel personnel had not been for nothing. A warmth rushed through his body, and he gathered his strength to rise and begin making the long trek back toward a distant formation of ice.
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Official Novelisation
Curiosamente, o Radio Drama dá um toque mais esperançoso nas coisas. Os grupos de evacuação foram bem-sucedidos em recuar e a destruição do túnel principal desacelerou os Imperiais o suficiente para que o transporte final pudesse sair com todas as tropas rebeldes restantes (por exemplo, vivas).
WEDGE: This is the last evacuation group.
LUKE: You should be gone already. How come you're still hanging around?
WEDGE: Well, we sort of got delayed—a little of this, a little of that, while we were, uh—
LUKE: While you were waiting for me. Thanks, boys. What about the base?
WEDGE: The stormtroopers are already inside. Everybody who still could, got clear.