Dragonmarked , um suplemento dedicado às Dragonmarked Houses, não tem qualquer informação sobre este assunto.
A Forja da Guerra , uma aventura escrita durante a Última Guerra, traz esta questão no início de sua seção House Deneith:
After the outbreak of war among the Five Nations, House Deneith was thrust into a precarious situation: Its services were more in demand than ever, but it could not provide those services to all that desired them without sending mercenaries to fight each other. Taken to an extreme, the Last War could have evolved into a conflict fought entirely by opposing groups of Deneith mercenaries. Even in the absence of that extreme case, House Deneith was hard-pressed to avoid the same kind of schism that tore House Phiarlan into two houses.
Mais tarde, descreve apenas precauções mínimas contra:
By unwritten code, Deneith forces did not engage other Deneith forces on the battlefield, and at least three minor battles during the war ended with only small groups of Deneith mercenaries left on both sides of the conflict.
Isso parece ser tudo o que existe sobre o assunto.