Qual é o significado dos passeios de barco? [duplicado]


Em Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal , vemos Harry e o resto dos primeiros anos andando de barco até Hogwarts quando fomos apresentados a ele pela primeira vez.

De acordo com a wikia (grifo meu):

The Hogwarts boats are traditionally used to transport the first year students, accompanied by Hogwarts gamekeeper Hagrid across the Black Lake from Hogsmeade Station to the castle at the start of the school year. At the end of the school year, first years take the boats back across the lake to Hogsmeade Station.

During the Hogwarts graduation ceremony, the seventh-years ride the boats back across the lake as they leave the school for the last time.

Então, Harry e Co viajam para Hogwarts no começo e no final do primeiro ano, e a turma se forma bem antes de partir.

Qual é o significado ou significado desses passeios de barco? Quem começou essa tradição e por quê?

por DCOPTimDowd 05.07.2017 / 21:22

2 respostas

É simbólico, aparentemente. JKR não diz do que é simbólico, além de denotar simbolismo geral.

JN: You know, what I'm curious about now. What I think is one of the neatest things about the Hogwarts tradition is the entrance ceremony, from the whole riding the boats to the castle to the Sorting ceremony. What kind of traditions is there for graduation and leaving Hogwarts?

JKR: D'you know, John, I'm really glad you asked that, because I felt a huge sadness that I wouldn't write a graduation scene. You know, I really did. I knew-- I mean, I knew from early days that we would never see them graduate. I knew that he would-- well not he, they, all three of them, would not. We would not see them at school during what would've been their final year of education. But I really, during the final book, I kept thinking it would've been-- I felt sad that the book wasn't gonna end with that Feast scene, the graduation scene. But it couldn't, you know, it just couldn't. That's not the way it could've ended. It would've felt far too trite and-- you know, a lot of people felt the Epilogue was too sentimental, I think to have a graduation scene on top of what just happened would've been an absurd bit of anti-climax.

JN: Did you have ideas for what kind of traditions that they would do? Like ride the boats back out of Hogwarts, obviously, I think it's the cutest thing...

JKR: Oh yeah, definitely. No, I think the boats would've been the most poetic and beautiful way to get-- for them to leave. And symbolic in that they-- Harry wouldn't have seen the thestrals again, you know what I mean? It would've been a return to innocence, really. And passage over water is so symbolic, you know, in the history of magic, so, yeah. That would've been great.

PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part one.

05.07.2017 / 21:26

Eu acredito que é para significar um período de transição ou mudança que explicaria por que eles saem dessa maneira quando se formarem. Ajudaria a mostrar a entrada ou a saída de uma nova parte de sua vida. Eu encontrei a mesma pergunta em outro site que tem respostas semelhantes. link

05.07.2017 / 21:29