Há alguma sugestão de magia da água sendo praticada em Canção de Gelo e Fogo / Game of Thrones?


Em um mundo de gelo e fogo, na seção História Antiga: Dez Mil Navios , fala-se muito em magia da água.

Nos livros e no programa, vimos o que supomos ser magia do sangue, magia do fogo e, possivelmente, alguma feitiçaria sombria.

No entanto, não consigo pensar em um exemplo em que a magia da água tenha sido usada ou presumivelmente tenha sido usada.

Existem evidências apontando para esse tipo de mágica sendo praticada atualmente?

por Aggrajag 22.08.2017 / 20:31

1 resposta


Quem usou Water Magic e o que foi?

Bem, antes de tudo, a Magia da Água foi usada historicamente pelo povo de Rhoynar.

Art and music flourished in the cities of the Rhoyne, and it is said their people had their own magic—a water magic very different from the sorceries of Valyria, which were woven of blood and fire. Though united by blood and culture and the river that had given them birth, the Rhoynish cities were elsewise fiercely independent, each with its own prince...or princess, for amongst these river folk, women were regarded as the equals of men.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Foi dito que Rhoynar poderia obter informações de Mother Rhoyne sobre ameaças e levantar Watery Walls para proteger suas cidades:

It was said the Mother Rhoyne herself whispered to her children of every threat, that the Rhoynar princes wielded strange, uncanny powers, that Rhoynish women fought as fiercely as Rhoynish men, and that their cities were protected by "watery walls" that would rise to drown any foe.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Primeira Guerra das Tartarugas

Foi a Primeira Guerra das Tartarugas entre Rhoynar e a Propriedade Livre Valiriana em que Rhoynar fez o primeiro uso conhecido de sua magia e inundou a cidade valiriana de Volon Therys com água, afogando os invasores valirianos e conquistando a vitória:

The First Turtle War lasted less than a moon's turn. Sar Mell was raided and burned, yet emerged victorious when Rhoynish water wizards called up the power of the river and flooded Volon Therys. Half the city was washed away, if the tales can be believed.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Na foto, A Tartaruga de Rhoynar lutando contra os dragões valirianos (cerca de 700 aC, coloridos):

Segunda Guerra das Especiarias

Em seguida, o Príncipe Garin de Chroyane usou a magia Água extensivamente contra Valyria em Segunda Guerra das Especiarias . Ele conheceu o sucesso inicial, superando três Dragon Lords da Volantis:

Garin found himself facing a hundred thousand foes, a hundred war elephants, and three dragonlords. Here too he prevailed, though at great cost. Thousands burned, but thousands more sheltered in the shallows of the river, whilst their wizards raised enormous waterspouts against the foe's dragons. Rhoynish archers brought down two of the dragons, whilst the third fled, wounded. In the aftermath, Mother Rhoyne rose in rage to swallow Volon Therys. Thereafter men began to name the victorious prince Garin the Great, and it is said that, in Volantis, great lords trembled in terror as his host advanced. Rather than face him in the field, the Volantenes retreated back behind their Black Walls and appealed to the Freehold for help.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Madre Valiria respondeu ao chamado de sua filha e não a três, mas trezentos Dragonlords chegaram de Valyria para virar a maré. Eles venceram, mas o custo foi horrível:

And the dragons came. Not three, as Prince Garin had faced at Volon Therys, but three hundred or more, if the tales that have come down to us can be believed. Against their fires, the Rhoynar could not stand. Tens of thousands burned whilst others rushed into the river, hoping that the embrace of Mother Rhoyne would offer them protection against dragonflame...only to drown in their mother's embrace. Some chroniclers insist that the fires burned so hot that the very waters of the river boiled and turned to steam. Garin the Great was captured alive and made to watch his people suffer for their defiance.


At Chroyane, the cage was hung from the walls, so that the prince might witness the enslavement of the women and children whose fathers and brothers had died in his gallant, hopeless war...but the prince, it is said, called down a curse upon the conquerors, entreating Mother Rhoyne to avenge her children. And so, that very night, the Rhoyne flooded out of season and with greater force than was known in living memory. A thick fog full of evil humors fell, and the Valyrian conquerors began to die of greyscale.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Na foto, Destruição do Exército de Garin nas mãos dos Senhores do Dragão Valirianos:

Desenvolvimento do deserto de Dornish

Mais tarde, Nymeria conduziu seus dez mil navios e aterrissou em Dorne, buscando refúgio. Embora ela não tenha praticado a Magia da Água, algumas bruxas vieram com ela, que desempenhou um papel importante no desenvolvimento de Dorne:

The Rhoynar brought considerable wealth with them; their artisans, metalworkers, and stonemasons brought skills far in advance of those achieved by their Westerosi counterparts, and their armorers were soon producing swords and spears and suits of scale and plate no Westerosi smith could hope to match. Even more crucially, it is said the Rhoynish water witches knew secret spells that made dry streams flow again and deserts bloom.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: 10,000 Ships

Rhoynar riqueza, cultura e tecnologia deu uma vantagem de ponta para os Martells e permitiu-lhes conquistar Dorne inteiro. A Casa Atual Martell é oficialmente Casa Nymeros-Martell, mas o uso comum é apenas Martell.

Filhos da Floresta

Além do Rhoynar, parece que os Filhos da Floresta também praticavam uma certa forma de Magia da Água. Eles usaram isto para quebrar o braço de Dorne, para deter a imigração dos Primeiros Homens, embora tarde demais a esse ponto. Mas como acontece com a maioria das lendas de Children of the Forest, é duvidoso:

But whether the Breaking took place in a single night, or over the course of centuries, there can be no doubt that it occurred; the Stepstones and the Broken Arm of Dorne give mute but eloquent testimony to its effects. There is also much to suggest that the Sea of Dorne was once an inland freshwater sea, fed by mountain streams and much smaller than it is today, until the narrow sea burst its bounds and drowned the salt marshes that lay between.

Even if we accept that the old gods broke the Arm of Dorne with the Hammer of the Waters, as the legends claim, the greenseers sang their song too late.

No more wanderers crossed to Westeros after the Breaking, it is true, for the First Men were no seafarers...but so many of their forebears had already made the crossing that they outnumbered the dwindling elder races almost three to one by the time the lands were severed, and that disparity only grew in the centuries that followed, for the women of the First Men brought forth sons and daughters with much greater frequency than the females of the elder races.
TWOIAF - Dorne: the Breaking

Outra tentativa foi feita por eles em um esforço desesperado para dividir o continente em dois, quebrando-o em Neck. Não teve sucesso no entanto e resultou em apenas Inundações no Pescoço e torná-lo um pântano.

Legend says that the great floods that broke the land bridge that is now the Broken Arm and made the Neck a swamp were the work of the greenseers, who gathered at Moat Cailin to work dark magic.
TWOIAF - Ancient History: the Coming of the First Men

Instâncias na linha do tempo atual 298-300 AC

Não, não há casos de Magia da Água sendo praticada na linha do tempo atual.

Como observamos, a arte está associada ao Roinares e aos Filhos da Floresta.

As crianças da floresta estão extintas agora junto com todas as suas artes e magia. Bem oficialmente, pelo menos, eles ainda estão vivos no Norte, mas mesmo lá eles não mostraram esse poder ainda. Há no entanto uma breve menção da quebra acima mencionada do braço quebrado de Dorne em AGOT :

"But some twelve thousand years ago, the First Men appeared from the east, crossing the Broken Arm of Dorne before it was broken. They came with bronze swords and great leathern shields, riding horses. No horse had ever been seen on this side of the narrow sea. No doubt the children were as frightened by the horses as the First Men were by the faces in the trees. As the First Men carved out holdfasts and farms, they cut down the faces and gave them to the fire. Horror-struck, the children went to war. The old songs say that the greenseers used dark magics to make the seas rise and sweep away the land, shattering the Arm, but it was too late to close the door. The wars went on until the earth ran red with blood of men and children both, but more children than men, for men were bigger and stronger, and wood and stone and obsidian make a poor match for bronze. Finally the wise of both races prevailed, and the chiefs and heroes of the First Men met the greenseers and wood dancers amidst the weirwood groves of a small island in the great lake called Gods Eye.

Quanto aos Rhoynar, como vimos, eles tiveram que fugir de dragonlords Valyrian avançando e se refugiar em Dorne. Parece, no entanto, que os Rhoynar modernos esqueceram a arte de seus ancestrais (muito parecido com os remanescentes dos valirianos que se esqueceram da arte de seus ancestrais). Isto está implícito como em Primeira Guerra de Dornish , Rhoynar não usou Magia d'Água contra os dragões de Aegon, o Conquistador. Em todo caso, foram os Roinares que foram os inimigos mais duros dos valirianos em sua conquista de Essos. E foi novamente o Roinar que provou ser o mais duro inimigo dos Valyrianos quando Aegon, o Conquistador, começou a conquista de Westeros.


Não, não há nenhum exemplo de Magia da Água sendo praticada no Show e nem me lembro de qualquer menção a ela.

23.08.2017 / 09:02