O que a Estátua da Liberdade Extra representa?


Em esta entrevista com o show runner Patrick Somerville, nós temos:

In one standout absurdist moment in this wonky New York, a tour guide points out a winged "Statue of Extra Liberty" across the water (seen above). "New York needed more liberty!" Somerville joked, before offering a clarification. "I saw some people writing about it, and that is actually not the harbor. The camera is pointing north in that shot, so in the Maniac world, the Statue of Liberty still exists, and the Statue of Extra Liberty also exists. Someone decided that we needed another one."

Quem ou o que exatamente é essa Estátua masculina de Liberdade Extrema alada com raios que pretende ser baseada ou representar?

por ThePopMachine 27.09.2018 / 19:30

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