Havia uma publicação chamada Something About the Author , uma edição (volume 6, páginas 297–312, publicada em 1988), da qual citava o próprio Sam Youd / John Christopher as segue :
Wild Jack is different again. It was planned as the first part of a trilogy, and in fact I completed a second book. This was shown to my English publisher, and when she disliked it I withdrew it from offer. This is not the only time I've withdrawn a book on the basis of a single rejection, but it's always hard: one has lived with the story and the characters for months, and it isn't easy to accept that the struggle has been in vain.
In this case, though, I was able to analyse what I felt had gone wrong. In the Beginning was a piece of allegorical fiction, and the two main characters represented types - humours - rather than individuals. It could be transformed into the longer Dom and Va without much difficulty. But in Wild Jack characterization was more important, and the relatively basic English in which it was originally written did not provide enough linguistic subtlety for anything beyond stock characters. While I could manage to struggle through the adaptation of the original book, the sequel cruelly showed up a fundamental inadequacy.