Eles são simplesmente uma variedade de objetos que são mencionados no texto da história. Não parece haver um tema específico.
da esquerda para a direita;
- Um livro de poesia
- Um alaúde
- A chave para o calabouço do Feiticeiro
- Vinho fino
- A adaga de prata que o mago inadvertidamente se mata.
The table was laden with silver and gold, bearing the finest wines and most sumptuous foods. Minstrels strummed on silk-stringed lutes and sang of a love their master had never felt. The maiden sat upon a throne beside the warlock, who spake low, employing words of tenderness he had stolen from the poets, without any idea of their true meaning.
The warlock smiled, and told her that she need not fear on that score. Bidding her follow, he led her from the feast, and down to the locked dungeon where he kept his greatest treasure.
Before the horror-struck eyes of his guests, the warlock cast aside his wand, and seized a silver dagger. Vowing never to be mastered by his own heart, he hacked it from his chest.