The novel centers around Rod Gallowglass, a SCENT agent, who stumbles across the planet Gramarye. Immediately upon landing he is thrust into a world of medieval people, witches and warlocks, and all manner of mythical creatures. Rod is aided by his faithful companion Fess, an epileptic robot. While gathering intelligence, Rod discovers the planet is in political turmoil, due to futurian influence on behalf of the PEST and VETO organizations who plan to corrupt the planet away from democracy, which Rod plans to bring to the planet, due to the planet's importance to the future of the DDT. The three main factions are the Monarchy led by Queen Catherine, the beggars led by Tuan Loguire, and the Noble Lords eventually led by Anselm Loguire.
Um robô "NESTOR" apresenta em uma pequena história de Asimov Eu relei recentemente respondendo uma pergunta no WorldBuilding. SE, mas não parece pertinente.