Isso soa como Starchaser: A Lenda de Orin , um filme de ficção científica animado de 1985. O personagem principal é chamado Orin, não Orion, mas o resto se encaixa.
In the future on a planet named Trinia, human slaves have lived underground for millennia mining crystals for a "god" named Zygon and his robot minions. One day Orin, a young miner, finds a jeweled sword embedded in the rocks. Hopps, grandfather of Orin's girlfriend Elan, recognizes the sword and gives his life to save Orin and keep the sword a secret.
Orin digs a tunnel to the surface of Trinia, where he is later captured by Man-Droids, a group of decaying half-organic, half-robotic beings who intend to tear him apart and use his body parts to replace their own.
(Eu encontrei isso por Googling "sci-fi cartoon orion".)