Uma tripulação que consiste na tripulação de cabina básica necessária para a aeronave mais tripulação de socorro para voos longos é chamada de " tripulação de voo aumentada ." Tanto quanto sei, esta designação é usada pela ICAO, pela FAA e pela EASA (e provavelmente outros).
Este documento da ICAO define a tripulação de voo aumentada como:
Augmented flight crew. A flight crew that comprises more than the minimum number required to operate the aeroplane and in which each flight crew member can leave his or her assigned post and be replaced by another appropriately qualified flight crew member for the purpose of in-flight rest.
O Regulamento Federal de Aviação da FAA define quase de forma idêntica em 14 CFR 117.3 :
Augmented flightcrew means a flightcrew that has more than the minimum number of flightcrew members required by the airplane type certificate to operate the aircraft to allow a flightcrew member to be replaced by another qualified flightcrew member for in-flight rest.